An Immortal Soul? Not Quite

SAT, JUNE 13, 1998, 7:36 AM

Yes, o son, there was an event in your family this week that deserves comment from Me. It was a premature birth, also qualifying as a spontaneous abortion, of what might have been your first great grandchild, from the body of your first granddaughter. The little body now shall become part of the hillside in Peter’s Park.

Holy Scripture doesn’t make clear the distinction between spirit and soul, and how and when this… or these… become resident in a baby… or a fetus… even an embryo. Thus, I am not countering any specific clear statement by Me, as Almighty God or by Me, as Jesus, or by Me, through prophets or other servants whose writings make up Holy Writ.

Is what I tell you now the Truth the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth? Let’s just say it is Truth for you, which can be shared, but which cannot be offered as the only way to describe another of My mystical processes.

As the original story goes, I, as the Creator God, took some mud from the earth, shaped it into the form of a man, and then breathed into it the Breath of Life, and it became a living soul. Then because this man had no help mate/companion I took a rib from him, made from it a woman, and she became a living soul. You can’t get much more mystical than this!

I then, presumably, set “in motion” a system of procreation, a seed from the male joining with a seed from the female, within the body of the woman. The two cells join and begin dividing. In about 9 months the baby can be born, naturally, can breathe, can eat and digest, and can thrive, if there is constant care.

Spirit pervades this earth… because that’s the way I created it. There is spirit in that tree just outside your window, particularly because it was given to you by Nancy and Russ, two former students and long-time friends. There is spirit in this place, for it is your family home, a special place given by Me for the enjoyment of this senior portion of your life.

So, yes, there was spirit in this small, living person that Rivanna carried. Spirit is a necessary ingredient for growth, and he obviously had grown, from the original two cells. But there was not, as yet, an immortal soul.

Spirit is the “raw material” for the soul. Or, the soul is the accumulation of spirit in an organized way. Souls are even more diverse than the bodies of humans… that show quite obvious differences. Yet bodies, if they are to live and grow and mature must function in some common ways. Certain organs are vital, as are certain secretions and interactions.

How are souls diverse? Some are “brand new”, with no “experience”, just potential for accumulating spirit and developing into a mature soul. Others have had some experience in spirit realms, but not in the earth (though some may have been angels or spirit guides in the earth, but not incarnated). Then there are souls who have had “lives” as humans, along with other experiences as spirits.

When a soul enters a living human it has the greatest opportunity for growth (back toward Me), combined with sometimes equal opportunity to regress and lose progress that has been made. I, Holy Spirit, “consult” with each soul that shall become part of a new human. (How do I do this?) Together We seek the best “fit”, the best challenge, but not one where loss is too probable.

SAT, JUNE 13, 1998, 7:36 AM

Yes, o son, there was an event in your family this week that deserves comment from Me. It was a premature birth, also qualifying as a spontaneous abortion, of what might have been your first great grandchild, from the body of your first granddaughter. The little body now shall become part of the hillside in Peter’s Park.

Holy Scripture doesn’t make clear the distinction between spirit and soul, and how and when this… or these… become resident in a baby… or a fetus… even an embryo. Thus, I am . . .

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