An Important Life… Spiritual… Experience

WED., JULY 17, 1996, 4:08 PM

The visit is pau, and here We are again in an airport. Yes, o son, I am with you and want you to appreciate the journey, as fully as possible. You have had enough experiences with Me to know I do help with the processing of these earth-living occasions. Listen and hear.

Your evaluation of yourself as a help to your parents was not very high. Your Mother’s capacity to appreciate your being with her for a week is virtually nil, and, in a way, that is good, for she is unaware of your inattention to her. You tried various approaches to your Dad, and, all in all, he appreciated your presence and your attention to him. He was embarrassed at his lack of mental staying power with your Teachings and with questions requiring memory. And he obviously appreciated your final hug of him. He has seen you hug your sons and your grandchildren… Joanne, Howard, Warren… and, finally, he is included. (It’s almost right to say that now he can die in peace!)

This was a revisit to a place where your professional and marriage-family life began. Places bring back memories, and such memories can help you see your life as a whole, as well as in locational segments. I needn’t repeat again the ways in which I directed you toward where you finally were to be. It was a fun experience for Me, and you have to admit you have enjoyed the journey, in its many facets. After this year you shall have to give thought and attention to a written review of your life. You have considered doing it dimension by dimension, and that sounds promising to Me. The deterioration of memory in your parents is very obvious, but Bob Bilgrave is closer to your age, and you see how fortunate he is to have done his autobiography early in his retirement.

The weather here is more consistent than at your home place, but I have urged you to value the differences in the 4 seasons, and you have almost beat me to this appreciation. The Hamomoto house is attractive and quite functional, but its site, surrounded by fences and other dwellings you feel the advantage you have on your Farm. What you could gain from this visit is motivation to make your place more attractive. And you now have some time to accomplish such.

You have no access to an ocean, but you do have a good pond. Perhaps you’ll have some time for fishing… for getting some oars… even for a swim in the warm, murky water. You’ll miss the nice trade winds, but you can appreciate the warmth, even the storms, a usual feature of summer.

You have some poignant observations on aging and on the downside of long life. Spend some time considering what you will say to classes, reviewing some of My Teachings in the process. The saddest aspect of the experience is to see and hear your Mother and consider that, once again, her spirit leaves that frail body, leaving her emotions, not moderated by her spirit, so loving and giving in earlier years. You recall that I told you during her first depression experience after moving here that spirit can leave a body temporarily if actual life is threatened. Humans without the spirit, which is a gift from Me, can be nasty and animal-like. When one’s spirit is reasonably well developed, as hers was (is), the contrast is usually quite vivid.

Professional life, for you, gave you many varied experiences in traveling. You have adapted well on this trip, with no real problems. Yet you don’t look forward to extensive travel as you retire. You have been a successful traveler, but I don’t encourage you to covet more excursions from home. “Been there. Done that.” This is an apt expression for you.

WED., JULY 17, 1996, 4:08 PM

The visit is pau, and here We are again in an airport. Yes, o son, I am with you and want you to appreciate the journey, as fully as possible. You have had enough experiences with Me to know I do help with the processing of these earth-living occasions. Listen and hear.

Your evaluation of yourself as a help to your parents was not very high. Your Mother’s capacity to appreciate your being with her for a week is virtually nil, and, in a way, that is good, for . . .

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