An Important Remembrance…

WED., MAY 20, 1998, 4:06 PM

… that you almost forgot. It is a steamy afternoon, early summer weather, and though you had reminded yourself when you recalled the “other two dates,” you could have let it go by… or could have been writing it at the end of a long day. But… here you are, ready to let Me help you to remember this day that I “took over your pen.”

As I have told you repeatedly there was no “good” reason for choosing you for this task/pleasure. Your spiritual journey, as a Presbyterian Christian, was not one that would expect such a “choosing.” So I didn’t have you speak in tongues or offer any other evidences of drama in your selection. I just began to speak to you, and you wrote down what you “heard.” It was surprising, but it did not counter any perceptions you had of Me. You knew I could enact miracles; it just was strange to be the “receiver” as the words came flowing.

At the end of that first month (about 10 days of My Teachings) you pledged another month, as I was urging you to do. By the end of that time period you had accepted the Honor of My Presence. I was quite sure you wouldn’t quit, so I consented to less than one Teaching each day. I also allowed you to hear Me at other times of the day (other than the first waking hour of day)… and in places other than your (Our) study. I am pleased with the journey thus far.

I liked your teaching style before you became My Student. Under My tutelage I knew it would improve… and it did. You had some weaknesses, but you ended your career with fine courses and enthusiastic students. Most importantly you became quite comfortable identifying and describing evidences of spirit as a part of healthy life. Your comfort and willingness was contagious, and a number of your students developed more capacity to talk about spirit… and to integrate this into their own teaching.

There is very little that is rational about this process we’ve developed. The language is English (one of My Best languages!), the syntax, vocabulary, and and punctuation are all quite acceptable. This is not written in some language that must be interpreted. Yet when you testify that these are the words of the Holy Spirit, that you have written down in a mystical process, your rational friends and colleagues want to depart.

You have been willing to answer the question, “Would the Holy Spirit truly say this?” or respond to the assertion that “The Holy Spirit wouldn’t say that!” with “This Spirit communicated this to Me”… and I don’t see that any human, no matter how holy or how wise, could guarantee that “I wouldn’t ever say that!” is a discernible truth. I am True to the Father and the Son, but I am free to teach as I think appropriate. I am guided by Holy Scripture, but I am not bound or limited by it (particularly by some one or two verses in a particular Book.) This is the world that I have created, but in some instances it needs new insights and premises. Balance within the Web of Life is one main difference I have identified for you. This means, among other things, that humans must die “on schedule”, in order to keep the Web in balance. (For Me, this is an almost infinitely better use of the term than “the Worldwide Web” or “Website.”)

I reassure you that this life of yours is part of a longer adventurous journey, and this has not been your only life as a human in the earth. You have a sense, with two Born-Again experiences, and a full acceptance of My Grace, that you are moving along toward enlightenment… and a merging back into Me.

WED., MAY 20, 1998, 4:06 PM

… that you almost forgot. It is a steamy afternoon, early summer weather, and though you had reminded yourself when you recalled the “other two dates,” you could have let it go by… or could have been writing it at the end of a long day. But… here you are, ready to let Me help you to remember this day that I “took over your pen.”

As I have told you repeatedly there was no “good” reason for choosing you for this task/pleasure. Your spiritual journey, as a Presbyterian Christian, was . . .

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