An Improbable Relationship

THURS., FEB. 15, 1990. 6:45

From time to time, o son, I need to assure you that you are taking a right action when you come to this pad of paper, with this special pen. For it is I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, who was and is in Jesus, the Christ, Who urge you to come in this time and in this way. Repeatedly I have assured you that I am active here in the earth, in many more ways than can be described. I influence in powerful, important ways and in quite picayune ways. This is My domain, this earth. I have not given it up, nor has it been taken from Me. It is part of My plan for the earth that the appearance of evil as successfully ruling here be evident. But I tell you that this is, finally, just an illusion.

On a day in May eleven years ago I called you to this unique relationship. You did not seek it. Your religious tradition acknowledges Me and gives Me lip service, but is wary of any direct relationship like Ours now. Yet you were receptive, and you were willing to carry through with your promised commitment. You thus became strange to most of those in your church and many in your family and among your friends. It was your challenge to maintain these human relationships at the same time you were faithfully developing this one with Me. Your remembered experience of balancing diverse relationships in high school was a beginning for this ability to adapt.

Your fulfilling of the commitment was ample enough for Me to reveal Myself in this mystical way through this pen and this paper. You responded with surprise but with acceptance. I knew you would let the relationship develop, but, for My purposes I could not over initiate. You had to be willing, in your own spirit. Thus, I can say that I knew you would continue, but also that it was up to you.

Thus, it was improbable that you would continue to come in this way, but you did. I tested you, from time to time, by withholding My words, making you wait and wonder. In spite of these tests you came to trust Me, Our relationship, and this process. I did have to back off from the every morning Teaching, and we have reached a good compromise. When you hear Me fewer than three times a week you are troubled… and I call that good.

You have written much and well in your professional career. When I first had you experience this early morning writing meditation I found you not ready. Hence I waited until writing was easy and until your writing and your spirit were in a favorable balance. Now you can listen, can hear, and can write in ways that do not need editing and that are not an embarrassment to Me nor to you.

The next improbable, though possible, development was the writing of Russell’s Ruminations using these Teachings as the text material, on which you commented. I liked this application, and I urged you up to 4 a year, which you now do with relative ease. But who would read these and like and be challenged by them? A wide range of people, including many in your profession. It wasn’t long ago that you would have thought that improbable.

Then you proposed and began a Sunday morning class based on these Teachings, at your church. The title was only minimally disguised, and you experienced obvious success. It still maintains, but it soon will be time to let that rest. Let Me decide that.

And so, on a rainy morning in this winter month you are here, hearing Me rather clearly. The process is only partly explainable. Do the best you can, accepting the fact that it is fundamentally mystical and therefore not fully explainable in English words. Yet you will continue this, letting these words, these pages, and these volumes affect, even direct, your life.

It was not improbable that Lenore be as accepting of this relationship as she is. I had to “lean on her” only a bit. She came to acceptance mostly on her own… and she continues to appreciate what We do together.

THURS., FEB. 15, 1990. 6:45

From time to time, o son, I need to assure you that you are taking a right action when you come to this pad of paper, with this special pen. For it is I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, who was and is in Jesus, the Christ, Who urge you to come in this time and in this way. Repeatedly I have assured you that I am active here in the earth, in many more ways than can be described. I influence in powerful, important ways and in quite picayune . . .

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