An Indian Summer Afternoon

WED., OCT. 25, 2000, 2:56 PM

Here you are in this familiar, but strange place (for a Teaching), enjoying the warm sun, for yet another late summer afternoon. You are pleased that you didn’t miss the invitation from Dale for the meeting on Cuba… and you Dean’s forthcoming visit. It is this next week, rather than today, and this should give you time to review whatever “record” you still have of that visit of yours. You feel somewhat relieved that you just didn’t “forget about it,” for you realize that you are becoming less organized and more forgetful. But then… as you say… “you’re a dying man,” with your losses coming slowly… but surely.

You realize that the time is not long for shorts and aloha shirts, but this day still qualifies as “summer.” You realize your losses, but also that you’re still functioning rather well for one your age. You know My “mantra”, for you: “accentuate the positive”. Focus on what you still have and can do.

This seems to be a busy city, and it is, for its size. You have little to no desire to revisit the large cities of your youth and young adulthood. You wonder whether you will ever again visit Long Beach, the Bay Area, or Honolulu. You even wonder how often you will come up to this city… away from the rural setting, which is yours to enjoy for the rest of this life. I won’t say, specifically, but I approve of your gradual retirement, with some activities, but increased appreciation of not having many responsibilities. You feel that you had an active, responsible adult life… and I agree. Now it is time to be in the “autumn of your life”… a fine season!

This is a peaceful place, but there is constant traffic noise, that represents life and activity for many who are not yet in your place in earth life. And, of course, the traffic here is so minor, compared with the real urban centers of this country, where most folk spend most of their lives. You do feel fortunate… and you do thank Me… and you should.

(These glasses now feel more “right,” but you’ll still have to see how they “wear”… a minor problem.)

Lenore has some concern about your over-drinking, and so do you. You vow, to yourself, that you will vary your drinking… even with some non-drinking…and will try to avoid all but occasional excess. Yet you also feel that you’ve lived a healthy responsible life, and some drinking does make you “feel good.” If you… and most other seniors your age… take some variety of medications and supplements to help make you feel “better,” is that greatly different from a few beers? Should you eschew all supplements and medications for a non-medicated life, which is less comfortable and pleasant? I shall not tell you what to do and not do, in this regard. Just be responsible…or, occasionally, carefully irresponsible.

The earth is now turning away from the sun, and the warmth diminishes a bit… though it’s still comfortable.

You look forward to the visit from Wendy and the grandchildren and of Bob and his family. As I’ve suggested (and as you expect) your traveling and visiting days will be fewer and fewer. And you do hope that those in these scattered portions of your family will come, occasionally, to visit you and Lenore. Or… if there is “another Durango” will you go, even if its “blessing is mixed?” Decisions for the elderly.

You are not yet ready to give up your small, but handy, office, but if you should be “invited to” you would “have to.” You are aware of this, but also that your Department is not likely to grow in size of faculty, so… you may have some time to officially “be in Pulliam.”

You’re cognizant of the Hospice “gig” coming up, but you’d better be sure about other “invitations,” such as Robert’s and…? If you’re going to accept invitations to speak be more than aware that you don’t do this as easily as you once did… or even did last year. You have “losses” here also, so be realistic about what you can do… and how much “preparation” you need.

WED., OCT. 25, 2000, 2:56 PM

Here you are in this familiar, but strange place (for a Teaching), enjoying the warm sun, for yet another late summer afternoon. You are pleased that you didn’t miss the invitation from Dale for the meeting on Cuba… and you Dean’s forthcoming visit. It is this next week, rather than today, and this should give you time to review whatever “record” you still have of that visit of yours. You feel somewhat relieved that you just didn’t “forget about it,” for you realize that you are becoming . . .

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