An Obvious Holiness

SAT., MAY 5, 1990, 6:32 AM

One of the Scripture passages yesterday told of My special servant Elijah coming into a town hungry. He hailed a widow and asked for a drink of water and then some bread. She replied that she had only enough flour and oil for one small portion of bread, which she and her son would eat. Then they would starve. Elijah asked her to make the break and share it with him, and in exchange, she would have her flour and oil containers full until it rained. This man was saying he could do a miracle. Why should she believe him? You asked the ladies, and one reply was to the effect that he was obviously a holy man… not just an ordinary man.

But what is being “obviously holy”? Over time this quality is easier to discern, but in one encounter? If she had been expecting a miracle or some miraculous intervention by God in some human way Elijah may have met her expectations. But the Scripture passage does not suggest this expectation.

Such a happening can take place only with My intervention, minimal though it may be. I had to indicate to Elijah the woman whose spirit was sufficiently open and turned toward Me… the woman who would respond in such a miraculous way. In other words, I worked with Elijah, who was committed to Me and the tasks I had for him. I showed him the woman who was ready to respond… ready to accept a gift from the Lord. Thus, his holiness was obvious to her, while it would not have been to more skeptical widows.

This raises again the question of My second coming, as Jesus. It is an important expectation in Christian theology. It is not real clear to you what will happen when I come again, but you have a sense that it will be good. But will I be recognized as obviously holy by more than a few. If I am obvious to Pentecostals, will I be equally holy appearing to Roman Catholics? to Latter Day Saints? Will those destined to ascend with Me recognize Me despite differences in religious orientation? Will Buddhists and Moslems see My holiness, or will this be just for devout Christians?

Or will I behave as I did as Jesus originally, shunning and being rejected by the obviously religious and associating with prostitutes, tax collectors, and other sinners? I might thus be recognized by Harley riders, drug users, and cocktail waitresses rather than doctors, lawyers, and Christian housewives. There is no clear answer. One is to the effect that only a select few will discern Me as One of obvious Holiness, and the rest will be left or sent away, depending on whether the earth shall be paradise or hell. Another is that My return shall be like unto Pentecost, and each person in her or his own way will see Me as holy, and every knee shall bow. The super miracle… which is also a negation of the earth life experience, as I created it.

So does this mean there will be no second coming? No it doesn’t but I would have to become more dissatisfied with the earth experience than I am now.

You have some slight capacity, through your association with Me, to discern people who would be receptive to the Teachings I have given you in this reasonably unique way. It is an imperfect capacity, but I call on you to exercise it, even as you make some mistakes. You made three overtures as a result of the convention. Will any of these respond? Will others at Synod School see you in a more “holy” light, as Al does now? A few will. Most will not. Remember that this Scripture story was a success. Was Elijah always so recognized? Not really.

SAT., MAY 5, 1990, 6:32 AM

One of the Scripture passages yesterday told of My special servant Elijah coming into a town hungry. He hailed a widow and asked for a drink of water and then some bread. She replied that she had only enough flour and oil for one small portion of bread, which she and her son would eat. Then they would starve. Elijah asked her to make the break and share it with him, and in exchange, she would have her flour and oil containers full until it rained. This man was saying he . . .

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