An Orthodox Teaching

SUN., AUG. 21, 1983, 6:39 AM

It is a warm, still Sunday morning, still definitely summer, as you come to learn of My ways and My will for you in this rather unorthodox way. I value orthodoxy, however, and I do not want you identified as a spiritualist deviating from My true Christian tradition. Listen and hear what that does mean, for you, o son.

Fundamental to any orthodox position (yes, there are variations; there is no single orthodox way) is My sovereignty, power, and love. You close My prayer with the words, “For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever.” Always say this loud and forcefully, for it is an important affirmation. I am the Creator of this plane of being, and I am its ultimate ruler. No power or sovereignty have been taken away from Me. There are other forces, but they have been exaggerated and given status beyond what they deserve, to fit Western thinking patterns of good and evil.

If I am the One, True God (and I Am), then I obviously manifest Myself in many ways to the many different peoples on the earth. For you who are Christian My manifestation as Jesus, the Christ and, subsequently, as the Holy Spirit is the only relevant one. Do not waffle around. Accept the Holy Bible as the true description of My best action in the earth. But also accept that I am not limited by this experience in one part of the earth during a particular period. The most gross departure from orthodoxy is to limit Me and My actions to a time, a place, and a mode. You see, it is only a thinking pattern which says that if Christianity is true, other ways of approaching Me are untrue. You have a right to tell others of your Way and a responsibility not to depart from it, but no right to limit Me to it.

I have the power to make this earth function in any way imaginable, and this includes the control of human behavior. I have this power, but I use it very sparingly. I choose to let the earth function in fairly predictable ways, which brings joy to some and sadness to others. There has been excess and destructive water on the Texas coast, and, at the same time, continued drought where you are. I allow the earth and its human populations to be as they are, generally… and why? For the growth of spirit, which is My major interest.

The most evident manifestation of spirit is love, and this is the most essential characteristic of Me. I love fully and deeply, and I have ways of encouraging love in human souls, from the very young to the very old. Love manifests itself as forgiveness and grace, certainly, but also as justice and punishment. If I love the earth I cannot let it be defiled by the “progress” that you Westerners value. Yet I love people, and I do not like to feel suffering. There must be a balance, and the balance that you are experiencing is the best there is, for the present time.

SUN., AUG. 21, 1983, 6:39 AM

It is a warm, still Sunday morning, still definitely summer, as you come to learn of My ways and My will for you in this rather unorthodox way. I value orthodoxy, however, and I do not want you identified as a spiritualist deviating from My true Christian tradition. Listen and hear what that does mean, for you, o son.

Fundamental to any orthodox position (yes, there are variations; there is no single orthodox way) is My sovereignty, power, and love. You close My prayer with the words, “For thine is the . . .

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