An Unexpected Opportunity

SAT., JUNE 12, 1993, 4:01 PM

Tomorrow morning you face an unexpected opportunity… not to preach (as you would wish) but to conduct the rest of the service in your own unique way. Did I arrange this? You can never be sure, but you know it is something I would do… so just assume I have had a part in it. Just glory in the fact that you are one who can be called on, with little prior notice, to do almost anything in relation to the church service, teaching… almost anything.

I approve of your doing the Mary Mild story for the children. It is too bad that there aren’t some stories in the Holy Scriptures about Me as the Jesus child. Did this, that the song portrays, really happen? Well, it could have, for I did have lots of “special capacities”, even as a child. If I could still the stormy wind and waves later in My ministry, I certainly could have built a bridge of sunbeams over the pond, and it would have been fun to run over that bridge, looking down at the water. Emphasize both the hurt of being left out and the chance to include someone in games that might be left out.

I needn’t tell you to conduct yourself in your usual “having fun” fashion. Joy is manifested as that perfect combination of fun and seriousness. Be My joyous servant as you take on this task.

You have not yet heard any details or news of the General Assembly meeting. You expect that there was conflict, for those for more inclusion of non-traditional Christians and ordained leaders must surely be opposed by those who would “keep standards high”, based on selected verses of Holy Scripture. As you would expect I love both factions, as well as those in the middle who long for peace, by some means. I bless those who want My Church to be protected from sin and wrong behavior, when this path is a sincere one. I also love many who are odd by today’s standards and bless them as they trod difficult paths of spirit.

For those who come back into the earth after another life or lives, for more spiritual growth, consider the truth about such a return – the need to meet oneself and experience what one has caused others to feel and suffer. Thus, it is quite possible for one who is homosexual in the present earth scene, particularly if this is a life lived reluctantly, to have been one who hated and persecuted homosexuals in another life and culture. And, perhaps, there must be these, as long as persecution and ostracism exists.

It would be unthinkable to consider that any of My disciples, as Jesus, were homosexual. It was never mentioned, but there are few mentions of sexual activity of any kind in the Gospel accounts of My life and ministry. Homosexuality doesn’t necessarily mean promiscuity or excessive sexual activity. It basically means that one is attracted more to one’s own sex than to the opposite. Again, the Gospels do not make clear what the disciples did when they weren’t with Jesus, but it is implied that we spent much time together, the 13 of us. Would I have chosen any with this preference? It would not have been unlike Me, would it?

Your national Church struggles with the same problems that your government will not face… wanting more services than the income will pay for. Some who were serving Me quite faithfully must now seek employment elsewhere. Many who remain will have increased work loads because, in conscience, they do not want to stop certain services that seem essential to your mission. It is not a happy time, but it could be if there was the simple acceptance of what can be done with the money provided. Your Church cannot be everything to everybody. When that is accepted, joy will return.

SAT., JUNE 12, 1993, 4:01 PM

Tomorrow morning you face an unexpected opportunity… not to preach (as you would wish) but to conduct the rest of the service in your own unique way. Did I arrange this? You can never be sure, but you know it is something I would do… so just assume I have had a part in it. Just glory in the fact that you are one who can be called on, with little prior notice, to do almost anything in relation to the church service, teaching… almost anything.

I approve of your doing . . .

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