An Unusual Christmas

THURS., DEC. 21, 2000, 9:38 AM

You sit at this full-size table, with the small tree in the center. It has ornaments and lights and is the “work” of granddaughters, last evening. It is without icicles (even as the winter temperatures outside are producing “real ones” in this early winter), which has always been your major contribution. In this unusual year, for you, it may remain “unadorned” in your way.

So… there was an early Christmas celebration last evening (with tacos, yet) in “honor of” Bobaire, who must, this day, return to his responsibilities with barges on the River. He received, but, mainly he gave, generously, to us (mainly J.P.’s family) who are his “Southern Illinois family.” ( 9:50 / 10:22 ) It was, for him, a time of joy in being able to give generously to the children gifts that he had thoughtfully and gleefully chosen. This is not an especially “wise” use of money, but such a judgment is more than countered by the pleasure of giving and of seeing this giving appreciated by the young ones. Three trucks were probably excessive for small John Isaac, but this was mostly a “replay” of the giver’s childhood… the remembrance of trucks.

Remember, also, when you became too critical of “unwise” buying and giving, ( 10:30 / 10:43 ) the Christmas story of My birth , as Jesus. It was in a “lowly state”, in a manger, where I was lain. The shepherds came and brought nothing but themselves. But the magi brought expensive, impractical gifts ( 10:50 / 12:31). So, initially, I was honored with both non-material gifts of self and material gifts, supreme. And those were the extremes. I can be “represented” by a whole range of “gifts”. I am the Supreme Gift, and I come in numberless forms.

This is a day that is sunny, breezing, cold, and snow-covered. All of your animals seem to have survived, because you and Lenore have friends who are willing to help, even when it is inconvenient. You don’t remember any such unusual Christmas when you were young. Where you lived it was usually mild, so you had no “dangers” such as loss of electricity or heat… or any hardships in traveling. And now you have lived nearly half your life (the second half) in a climate with some extremes, some challenge. Thus, partly because of the nature of your population you live in an area with fewer people, as contrasted with the accumulating peoples in the temperant to tropical areas of your land. You like your choice, but it is not “convenient” to be injured as an additional challenge.

Your “added son,” Bobaire, has just left, after sacrificing some of his working time (and the compensation for such) to stay here and help you and Lenore through this difficult time. You feel that you haven’t shown sufficient appreciation for such sacrifice on his part, but also be aware that he knows he is always welcome here, at your Farm, to stay as long as he wishes. You have “adopted” him and he is pleased and appreciative with being part of your family, especially at such a celebrative time.

Let this Christmas experience continue as a reminder to you to recognize… and even seek out… opportunities to be of service to others. In effect, you are incurring quite a “debt”… which, of course, doesn’t have to be repaid, but with the perspective on spirit that I am encouraging in you it must encourage and empower you to do comparably to and for others. Be aware of opportunities to give, in a number of ways. I’ll remind you, from time to time, but I’d prefer that your awareness will be sufficient… and will prevail.

As you look out of these windows you see signs of this being an unusual Christmas. You should be out making your deck neater… more presentable. The birds are not being fed as they should be. (You can, being careful, do that). The tree in front of you is not as you would like it to be. You are uncomfortable being so “indebted,” but you recognize that is one prime feature of this season of 2000.

THURS., DEC. 21, 2000, 9:38 AM

You sit at this full-size table, with the small tree in the center. It has ornaments and lights and is the “work” of granddaughters, last evening. It is without icicles (even as the winter temperatures outside are producing “real ones” in this early winter), which has always been your major contribution. In this unusual year, for you, it may remain “unadorned” in your way.

So… there was an early Christmas celebration last evening (with tacos, yet) in “honor of” Bobaire, who must, this day, return to his responsibilities with . . .

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