An “Unusual” Hike… Somewhere

SUN., NOV. 26, 2000, 4:02 PM

Morning before last, the morning after Thanksgiving, you had an “unusual” adventure in the dark hours before dawn. You knew I, Holy Spirit, would have some comment on this experience, and this seems like a good time. In one sense, it was a rather ridiculous adventure, dangerous in some ways and, also, just “making no sense.” Yet it could also be seen as a “test” of your spirit – being alone… not aware where you were for much of the time, and braving a rather cool night in nakedness. Am I part of this whole “adventure”? Well, I didn’t plan it directly, but when I saw where you were and how this would all be some important test of your spirit I listened to you, particularly your prayers (though these weren’t excessive), and I helped some in your “finding your way out and home.”

Your body is old, but it is strong (though it doesn’t feel this way now). You had the physical, mental, and spiritual capacities to come through this, as you wanted to (and so did I). Yet it started off with some mental “breakdown.” After last remembering that you went back to bed after a trip to the bathroom you found yourself in some rather deep woods (somewhere around your Farm, but not clearly identifiable). You were naked and shoeless, which you realized, quite soon, was not “ideal” for that terrain and that temperature of night. But there was no practical way to remedy that.

Your “decision” at that time was to find your way out “on your own… with My help”. Given the condition of your feet now you were amazed that you were not uncomfortable as you waded through leaves and creek beds, encountering “a number” of blackberry shoots that were very unpleasant to encounter. Occasionally you would stop for a short time, but then you got cold, so you decided it was better to “forge on,” even if the direction was wrong.

Your realized different ways of being injured (or even killed), but you had faith in yourself, and in Our relationship. I wasn’t likely to let you die in the cold woods. I want you to pen more of these Teachings, but this was a challenging experience that I knew you would “enjoy”, despite the dangers. You knew I would offer you a Teaching on this following day, to put it all in proper perspective. And here I Am, just as I “should be.”

You are pleased to be living here in this rural portion of your state, and you have thought about going forth from your own place and becoming more familiar with the different aspects of this adjacent countryside. It is troublesome to have very little assurance as to where you were and whether the decisions you were making about directions to walk were accurate enough to get you “home again”

You did make some “mistakes” and it was never quite clear to you where you were and how you should proceed. But, in the end, you got home, in a sheriff’s warm car… and you’re grateful for this (oh, you could have made it “on your own,” but your feet would be more painful today and for the rest of the week). You have some motivations to re-find some of the “landmarks” that you remember from last evening, OR you could just leave this as a “sleep-walking adventure” OR an unusual reaction to the combination of little sleep, an “allergic reaction” to the prescription drugs and alcohol OR just My having fun with you, in a spirit-challenging early morning caper.

To almost anyone but you this last “reason” would seem ludicrous, “not worthy of Me,” BUT I assure you that I do have fun being Holy Spirit, and I Am not always serious and rational. So… I will say that I didn’t plan this caper, but I was a part of it… part of the “being lost” and also part of the “being found.”

Your feet are also now a challenge to your spirit. Can you come through this pain and dysfunction with a happy, well-functioning spirit? You feel that you can and can “grow” from this whole bizarre early morning. I’ll be with you, when you need help.

SUN., NOV. 26, 2000, 4:02 PM

Morning before last, the morning after Thanksgiving, you had an “unusual” adventure in the dark hours before dawn. You knew I, Holy Spirit, would have some comment on this experience, and this seems like a good time. In one sense, it was a rather ridiculous adventure, dangerous in some ways and, also, just “making no sense.” Yet it could also be seen as a “test” of your spirit – being alone… not aware where you were for much of the time, and braving a rather cool night in nakedness. Am I part . . .

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