An Update… “A Mystical Dance”

SUN., MAR. 13, 1994, 5:55 AM

I led you, yesterday, to one of the best of My Teachings… of those I have shared with you, over these nearly 15 years. It was “the right one at the right time,” and now I propose an update, for your spirit needs a resurgence of this important premise. What premise? That life, finally and truly, is a mystical dance.

Why the need, just now? You are in the midst of a time of pain, discomfort, and bothersome disability. The pain seems to have diminished, but you feel that it should be gone by this time. You’re not at all sure about what you should be doing… and not doing… to encourage the return of nerve and muscle action. In this regard it is not an auspicious time to be dancing.

You would like to see each of your sons as relatively successful in all aspects of life, but two of them remain on the edge, financially. Otherwise they seem to be functioning well, but you do wonder how long you will be having to make payments for them. I say… just feel fortunate that you have the means to do this… and hear that this is part of their dance, as well as yours.

What is a dance? In many, many forms, it can be something to observe. Observation can be very unattached, or it can move toward vicarious participation… meaning that you can be watching in physical quietude but your spirit is participating, minimally to fully. When your spirit is dancing your body begins to join in and move in some dancing ways.

This leads, of course, to dance as a participative activity, wherein you are, as a whole person, dancing… even for a short time… and perhaps as a lifestyle.

There are personal and social reasons why every human is not an avid dancer in life. As I have told you, you have some rather strong motives for dancing, but also some blocks. Too often you take life too seriously. Too often you focus too much upon the “problems” in your life rather than all of the blessings. If you gave more attention to the blessings your dance would be much more satisfying… and genuine. Is the numbness in your feet a worrisome problem for which you should seek therapy or just a unique variation from full sensation that should be positively appreciated? When your answer is the latter you are truly dancing, with Me as partner.

How can I look at this finite earth, with its now more than 5 billion persons and troubles galore, and feel like dancing? I needn’t justify My attitude. Just hear Me as I say I am dancing, on, above, and below this earth. I look for spirits growing and developing, and as I see these I feel like dancing… and I do. And so should you.

The mystical quality lies in the apparent “gap” between objective reality and what I encourage you to perceive. This leg business is one wee blip on a life profile replete with pleasantness, challenge, normality, and blessedness. Include it in your dance, but don’t let it drag you down. Keep your dance lively, with awareness and appreciation of the blessings which far outnumber and surpass this, and a few other “downers.”

Spirit is the reality of life. This is a simple but powerful affirmation. You’re fundamentally a spirit, occupying a body, in relationship with a number of people… who also are fundamentally spirits. Human action is only important when it abets the development of spirit. And one evidence of growth is in seeing life as a Mystical dance.

But here’s a dilemma for mystical Christians… Holy Scripture. It is mystical in that so much of it, written in a different time and culture, does apply to life as it is lived now. There are good reasons why these Scriptures must remain intact, with nothing of importance to be added in this time. And yet you are writing what you hear Me telling you, and these messages don’t always match up with all Scripture… or interpretations thereof. Are these more… or less… mystical than the original Scriptures?

It is good to receive letters such as the one from Jerry, telling of how Amy’s terrible decision to end her life has made it possible for them to help save another life. Isn’t it mystical that a reaction paper written by Kelly in response to Amy’s life and death story has helped Heather in her movement toward life as a positive dance? And if you only knew how helpful some of your/Our Ruminations are to people unknown to you. It is a mystical reason for continuing to compose and circulate these Letters… an important part of your mystical dance.

So it is
7:05 AM