An Update On Alcohol

THURS., JULY 3, 1986, 5:43 AM

The church of which you are a part, by My direction, has issued a new statement about the Christian’s responsibility concerning alcohol. You have read this. You should read it again, and then condense it for your Newsletter. Yet you also need My reactions to this report, so listen on this clear, cool morning.

The report did not condemn alcohol as the sole cause of the problems associated with its misuse… and neither do I. In life situations alcohol can be an evil, destructive substance, without doubt. In other situations it can be neutral, producing no untoward effects, and in yet others it can be a positive blessing. And thus it is like many other aspects and substances in My creation. It is not especially unique in this regard.

The report acknowledges that the majority of Presbyterians do drink on some occasions. It does not condemn this, as long as it, the use, is moderate and responsible. I approve of this for your church, though it is not the universal message I give to all Christians or to all churches. The church shall not speak with one voice on this issue, because it is not My wish that this be so. As I have told you repeatedly, I want the church to be My body, with parts that are different from one another, in order that there might be a ministry to a wide range of souls. It is important that your church be one in which the use of alcohol is not condemned. Condemnation often increases a sense of guilt, which often reduces the effectiveness of persons feeling thus. I need effective servants.

The report noted that church funds should not be spent for alcohol, other than for use in Holy Communion. This is a bit of legalism that undoubtedly helped salve the feelings of some who would have been more comfortable with condemnation. I understand the reason behind it, but I regard it as a nitty legalism rather than as a staunch principle.

I do approve of the emphasis on always accepting abstinence as an appropriate response to alcohol, with encouragement for abstinence, even by those who themselves drink. For some persons, abstinence is a sacrifice of something good. Some act so out of caution and out of regard for what alcohol can do. Some abstain in order to be of potential service to some who may drink too much and need such loving help. And some abstain because they have experienced alcohol’s effects on them, and they faithfully stay away from this substance, which for them is more a form of poison than a pleasant beverage. I approve of this in the same sense that I approve of some persons not marrying… and of some not having children. In this earth what is good for some is not good for others.

Your church shall not lead some flambuoyant campaign to reduce drinking, drunkenness, or even drunk driving. It shall teach and favor responsibility in decision making and for actions, and it shall seek to help those who want help with drinking problems. This help shall be basically love, acceptance, forgiveness, and the assurance that those who can drink and those who should not can be in fellowship together.

I have no new, astounding teaching on alcohol this day. I feel sorrow for the harm that comes with its misuse, but I can say the same about the human mind, that wonder of My creation. While it does release inhibitions in some that allow animal-like actions, I also see the gentling effects, the comraderie that is the validation of human communities. I do not approve of the giant industry, but this, like “defense” does provide jobs and a means to a good life for families.

I don’t apologize for the complexity of the present earth condition. Just know that I can see interrelationships, and I still guide people on spiritual paths, encouraging selfless service, whatever the conditions.

6:54 AM