An Update On Death

SAT., JAN. 28, 1995, 6:55 AM

Death is an important part of the life process, and it’s an area of your quite successful teaching. I, obviously, am involved in death, the life process, and in your career as one who teaches about this aspect of earth life. Therefore on this winter morning, with fog abounding, hear Me, yet again.

The first fundamental is that life is a continuous process. Once you lived in Carbondale on So. Oakland. You moved here and live there no more. The Stanford campus was your home, but that is long past. Your childhood was on San Francisco Ave. in Long Beach. It is still there, but is no longer your home. Just as there have been segments of your life (that you remember in some ways) that now are past, there are portions of a longer life journey, of which you have little remembrance. You believe Me when I tell you of this continuing life in the spirit, but because you have so little reinforcement of this, from family, church brethren, and friends, you tend to lose its reality.

Some of the sentences you write as you hear Me are long and flowing. Others are short. This is true of earth lives, obviously. Your parents and your Mother-in-law are living long. Your son, Peter, had a short life. This day in the world there are babies being born who will die, as well as fetuses that will abort, spontaneously. Yet, as I have told you repeatedly, the length of an earth life is of little consequence to Me… and should not be to you. My interest is in the life of the spirit, and so should yours be.

One of the big challenges of earth life, for you as a spirit, is dealing with the “reality” of a physical body and with the clear fact that it dies, quickly, not so quickly, or slowly. You even are in an academic field concerned with achieving a longer earth life, with as full functioning as possible. But this is why I have led you into educating about death as an important aspect of a holistic perception of life and of health. I want you to see life more clearly, and I want you to help others in such a quest.

Yes, that little paraphrase from My Little Instruction Book, II is a good way to express the truth… for us, as We write together. Death is a comma, not a period, in the story of life. Your story is of medium length now, though this is of no consequence because, except for earth lives, you are outside of time. In an earth life you were born on a particular day and date (all of which is circular, except the year). You will die, finally and officially, on a particular day and date, in a year that shall never be again.

Note the symbolism: there is a recurring nature to most of what you identify as an earth life. Your spirit, the most important aspect of you, has this recurring, circular quality, with growth and maturity as important “side features.” The year you were born, the years that your body lives, and the year that you die are linear and non-repeatable, as is this earth life as Bob Russell. But this, symbolically, is like your life on Greer Rd., … or even that in the apartment atop Dole Hall.

SAT., JAN. 28, 1995, 6:55 AM

Death is an important part of the life process, and it’s an area of your quite successful teaching. I, obviously, am involved in death, the life process, and in your career as one who teaches about this aspect of earth life. Therefore on this winter morning, with fog abounding, hear Me, yet again.

The first fundamental is that life is a continuous process. Once you lived in Carbondale on So. Oakland. You moved here and live there no more. The Stanford campus was your home, but that is long past . . .

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