An Update On Drugs

MON., OCT. 5, 1992, 6:26 AM

In the midst of your course on drugs you shall go to a convention where several of the sessions you shall attend also will focus on this topic. I have given you Teachings from time to time, and you have put some of these together in a Ruminations. Well, as you give some thought to the classes that lie ahead you can certainly listen to an update from Me, the Holy Spirit. Some shall be reinforcement, as is My educative style, and some will be, truly, new or reworded comments.

First, some words about the variety of meaning for “drug” or “drugs.” These are substances that change the way the body functions, so they can range from those that truly and dramatically alter the course of a disease condition and help to restore health to those with such powerful and poisonous qualities that they cause death, directly or indirectly. Drugs come naturally from plants and are created with chemical knowledge and modern technology. Psychoactive drugs range from small bits of chocolate to large doses of cocaine or PCP, which shock both the body and mind.

From My perspective drugs are a part of My created earth, some for humans to discover and use for pleasure and the relief of pain… others to be developed from knowledge gained by using the brain, one of the unique and wonderful aspects of the human person. I am fully aware of the good that can come from use of drugs, as well as the harm. I regret that harm, but as I see the whole earth scene it is a minor trade-off.

I like it when the effect of drug use is good human interaction and better communication. To say that this should not be necessary is true, but like unto the truth that antibiotic drugs should not be necessary either, if the immune system is functioning optimally. When a drug helps you function better, I am pleased. When you can function as well without it, I also am pleased.

The modern earth scene is very complex, politically and economically. As I have told you often, these systems are not of Me, and I see their increasing complexity I wonder. Just as war and conflict have spawned industries that employ good working people who hurt when the machines and supplies of war are no longer needed, so drugs and drug use create industries, on which people’s livelihood depend. Some people are employed in making and distributing drugs, while others make their living by dealing with the unfortunate results of use and abuse. Some gentle people drive beer trucks and serve drinks in restaurants. Some well paid people care for those with injuries from accidents caused by alcohol, while other are employed helping families where alcohol is a disrupting factor.

Even the illegal crack and cocaine “business” helps some people whose place in life is “near the bottom” to have some income and live better. Remembering that I, as Jesus, obviously felt for these who have a low place in society, you must know that I see how some are benefitted by this illegal trade.

I am aware of the good feelings that can come from a rousing worship service… or a quiet, liturgical one. I am pleased with the fellowship that is evident in your narthex after a service but also notice the presence of coffee in that scene. Would it be the same with just hot water? Is it the drug or just the symbol? I was pleased with the interaction at your party Saturday evening, enhanced, in some, by some alcohol.

MON., OCT. 5, 1992, 6:26 AM

In the midst of your course on drugs you shall go to a convention where several of the sessions you shall attend also will focus on this topic. I have given you Teachings from time to time, and you have put some of these together in a Ruminations. Well, as you give some thought to the classes that lie ahead you can certainly listen to an update from Me, the Holy Spirit. Some shall be reinforcement, as is My educative style, and some will be, truly, new or reworded comments.

First . . .

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