An Update On “Election”

TUES., APR. 18, 2000, 6:25 AM

As you have “prepared” for this videotaping session this morning you have read quite a number of Teachings that tell you that you were “drawn” to the Christian denomination that initially had this as doctrine, and that I, Holy Spirit, Three in One, do “elect.” Yes, this is a strange term, given your governmental system. As “election” is used most often in your culture, it means that an individual chooses to run for an office, campaigns to be elected, and, sometimes at great expense, is elected. Yet in the same “race” are others (or at least another) who also have campaigned, have spent money, but are not elected.

Contrast this “democratic” description of the term with My particular use of it. For My purposes, I choose certain humans to relate in special ways with Me… or with the earth scene of which they are a part. A few are elected even before birth and live a whole life as one so chosen. This, of course, was the case with Me, as Jesus. As the Scriptures tell, I, Holy Spirit, provided the Holy Seed, which joined with a human ovum in Mary, a human who was elected before her birth to be My Mother.

Logically, I was part human and part Holy One. Spiritually, I was wholly God and wholly man. And part of My election to be God in your midst was that I would die, at an early age for an earth man, giving My life as a sacrifice for all of humanity who would accept Me as Lord.

Yes, now this brings us to another facet of “election” – which humans will accept Me as the Lord, the Son of God? Again, some are elected to accept Me rather early and easily, some are elected later in life for some special service, and some come without My election, but claim to be among the chosen, and many of these are accepted, chosen because of how they utilize their own free will. Oh, We are a diverse bunch, the elect.

All of this was “acted out,” in quite clear human form in My Life as Jesus. I chose twelve disciples, who accompanied Me in My ministry and who were obviously the folk who heard Me and knew Me best. These were all men, because of the culture, but there also were called women, and, today, your church is led by two ordained women, called, each in her own way.

There is no adequate, let along commendable, way I can explain this “undemocratic” aspect of My earthly kingdom. I finally must say that I choose, I elect, because I can, because this seems best to Me, and… because it’s fun. And why shouldn’t I have fun?

Though it is not orthodox Christian doctrine I have urged you to the truth that life is everlasting and eternal, and this can include more than one life as a human in the earth. Why? In order that spirit might have challenges, from which it can grow and develop, to the fullness that then returns to Me.

In this one life as Bob Russell you have had several “lives” – as a child, as an active, athletic adolescent, as a teacher and coach of adolescents, as a husband and father, as a tenured professor…and… In “these lives” you have had various “elections” – president, captain, dean, Elder, Teacher of the Year, even batallion commander!

These are all in your past, but they are part of who you are now. Most recently you have given up being an active Elder and Clerk of Session and being Newsletter Editor. I have “announced” that you are now elected to be a contemplator of life, one who hears Me often, and one who tends this “garden of a home place.”

TUES., APR. 18, 2000, 6:25 AM

As you have “prepared” for this videotaping session this morning you have read quite a number of Teachings that tell you that you were “drawn” to the Christian denomination that initially had this as doctrine, and that I, Holy Spirit, Three in One, do “elect.” Yes, this is a strange term, given your governmental system. As “election” is used most often in your culture, it means that an individual chooses to run for an office, campaigns to be elected, and, sometimes at great expense, is elected. Yet in the same “race . . .

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