An Update On Health

FRI., AUG. 4, 1995, 12:12 PM

Health is your field of interest, and you’re beginning to prepare for your Foundations course, so on a warm summer day with rain finally in the forecast I’ll offer you an update. You know, of course, that I, the Holy Spirit, am interested in the health of humans and of all of My creation. In some ways My view is narrower than yours, but in other ways My perspective is much wider than yours could ever be. Hear Me, o son.

In terms of words I really don’t have any better than the ones you use: functioning and adapting. Health is a relative term. It is easy to distinguish the extremes from each other – the very healthy from the very unhealthy. However, most of you are somewhere amidst these extremes, functioning well in some ways but not in others… or functioning well on some days and not on others… or… All of the dimensions you present are important, and I acknowledge all of these and the importance of their interactions. And yet, from My perspective the spiritual is the prime dimension… the fundamental way to define and describe health. How you are functioning spiritually is of most interest to Me, for with you and with some others, it is a continuation of spiritual function before your entrance into this earth as Bob Russell (or Bobby?) and how you function throughout the rest of your earth life will be influential in where your soul goes on to, after your bodily death.

You watched a video presentation on World War II, in the Pacific, last evening. It was a chronicle of many deaths, and in slightly altered circumstances, you could have been one of those casualties. But you were spared. Are you healthier than an age-mate of yours who died in the fighting for an island that was important to final victory (as seen in present retrospect)? You have had a longer life, spent, professionally, in ways pleasing to Me, but how does this compare with a life given, at an early age, for the benefit of others?

By some less spiritual criteria I, as Jesus, didn’t lead the ultimate healthy life, for I gave My earth life up, at a rather early age. Yet in obedience to My destiny, in living and in dying, I was healthy in a most superior way. Many of those who died on those islands were very healthy as they came on over to Me. And so it is, still today.

The earth is not a scene in which all human lives can flourish and function fully. It is a world of some competition, for most food, for most forms of life, must have been living. Therefore another aspect of health is adapting. Those who survived wartime battles, firebombs, and prison camps were those who were the most adaptable. In this summer’s heat, with high ozone levels, hundreds have not been able to adapt to these threats, while, of course, many have.

Yet if I prefer to see health as mainly spiritual, rather than physical, what is spiritual adapting? One important show of this is seeing every circumstance of life as a spiritual experience. Another would be in discerning My will in different situations and doing what I want for you… for I don’t always want you to act in the same way in all situations. One of your difficult adaptations comes in deciding how and when to reveal to another or to others the nature of your relationship with Me. I don’t always want you to act in one way, but how do you know how open you should be?

FRI., AUG. 4, 1995, 12:12 PM

Health is your field of interest, and you’re beginning to prepare for your Foundations course, so on a warm summer day with rain finally in the forecast I’ll offer you an update. You know, of course, that I, the Holy Spirit, am interested in the health of humans and of all of My creation. In some ways My view is narrower than yours, but in other ways My perspective is much wider than yours could ever be. Hear Me, o son.

In terms of words I really don . . .

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