An Update On Life… And Death

SAT., APR. 27, 1991, 6:32 AM

The wandering of your mind is rather serious this morning, for somehow you feel no great need for a Teaching. I have called you here, nevertheless, for I want you to maintain the discipline of learning. Even when you feel no particular need. You still must come, for there is still much that you need to hear. And there are some areas that require revisiting and relearning. Such is the one on this rainy morning.

You worked yesterday in ways that utilized and demonstrated the life in and the health of your physical body. This body is the definition of life here in the earth. When it is functioning, you are alive. When it ceases to function, naturally or by way of machines, you are dead. You haven’t emphasized sufficiently in your teaching that this is why “health” is so often seen as just a condition of the body. It is good to use that body, in work and play, even at your age. One of the great values of this Farm, for you, is this necessity for physical activity in order to keep it beautiful.

You saw contrasted yesterday evening the vigor of youth and the feebleness of truly old age. There is still life in old Mr. Taylor, but there is not much physical capacity. His feebleness begets feebleness, but he no longer has the vigor to maintain strength. You consider whether you would want to continue life in such a state… or whether it would be better to let the old body go and receive the more perfect spiritual body. You don’t have to decide yet. But it is an important consideration, and when you are older the alternatives will be more extensive. You shall see.

A reflection on yesterday brings forth a remembrance of your “proposed” ideal death. Yes, it would be wonderfully dramatic to have your death come in the midst of family (or of students?) while playing volleyball. The transition from the vigorous life in the body to the continuing life in the spirit would be so abrupt and yet so good. Continue to hold this ideal. Know also that consciousness would continue, so you could continue to observe the game, resisting temptations to participate further.

You heard of several deaths yesterday, and you shall speak and sing of death this morning, later. As you know, there shall be an increase in deaths in the latter part of your life, because there are so many lives. I love humankind, but the increasing numbers are not good for this earth of Mine, that I also love. I shall not intervene in dramatic ways, and certain deaths will be tragic, but deaths just must increase. More births mean more deaths, eventually. That time is fast approaching. Hospice is important in helping to affect these changes, in the right spirit.

Life is to be lived fully, not just preserved. My life as Jesus illustrated this, but your culture doesn’t like to see this illustration. You have no doubt that I could have maintained My life, naturally or supernaturally. I was young and vigorous, and I had more teachings to offer My disciples and the world. I gave up something good for something better. Christians, particularly, should see this more clearly and act in like ways. Yet Christians are often in the forefront in seeking the prolongation of earth life… or the postponing of death. And many do regret this when they do pass on over.

You still have much to do in your life. You may eventually get the chance to redo your book. You have Ruminations to write and flowers to plant. You live with the assurance that life continues after the body dies. Live each day fully, with a balance of work, leisure and service to others and to Me.

SAT., APR. 27, 1991, 6:32 AM

The wandering of your mind is rather serious this morning, for somehow you feel no great need for a Teaching. I have called you here, nevertheless, for I want you to maintain the discipline of learning. Even when you feel no particular need. You still must come, for there is still much that you need to hear. And there are some areas that require revisiting and relearning. Such is the one on this rainy morning.

You worked yesterday in ways that utilized and demonstrated the life in and the health of . . .

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