An Update On My Sense Of Fun

SAT., JAN. 18, 1997, 7:27 AM

Well, well… there seems to be some upsurge, again, in the understanding that I, the Triune God, and, specifically, I, the Holy Spirit, have a powerful sense of fun and humor. And yet what a contrast this is with the God portrayed in Lennie’s interpretation of the seven seals, from Revelations. Could it be that, instead of a God who is angry and fiercely competitive, creating people to be destroyed and damned for eternity, I am a God who gives out such stories and interpretations thereof just for fun? (Remember Red Skelton’s Mean Little Kid who, finally, would “scare himself”?!)

Is it blasphemous or just fun to blame the sad and serious face of Mary on her really wanting a girl? I tell you, yet again, that virtually all of the great tales from Scripture have a humorous side to them. And, I say, it is better for your spirit to read News of the Weird than the more common news stories. Journalism tends to focus on tragedies, deaths, destruction, overlooking the fun-filled interpretations. Life is serious… except for the comic pages. Actually, earth life is just about as humorous as it is serious.

So at least some of the time try to picture Me, in some form, as ready for fun, smiling at human diversity, even at human sins. I like it when you become angry about some circumstance… and then burst into laughter at how funny the situation really is. You misstep on the ice, and fall. When you realize you have nothing broken or seriously hurt you laugh at yourself, sprawled in the snow. Oh, there are a few true tragedies in any life, but I want you to focus at least as much on the fun aspects.

Let’s take this desk and, even, this room as an example. You have had ample time to bring it to some better order, but you can’t seem to do it. Your desk was clean, but the table was overloaded. Now the table is clear, and the desk is piled high. Isn’t it humorous that you can hardly throw away any of the contents of your various folders? Seriously you see actual or potential value in all of the paper that constitutes this “mess”, but it also is funny, watching you move the “mass” from here to there. So, while you’re trying to resolve it again, laugh a bit more at your dilemma.

( 8:06 / 8:12 )

You see the Proverb on your wall which proclaims, “He who hath a merry heart hath a continual feast”. I tell you that applies to Me as well as to any of you. I have a “merry heart”, which makes for a continual feast as I see the actions of all of humankind. There is much more about which I can truly smile and laugh than about which I should be sad or angry. If I were really serious about human sin why would it now be 2,000 years, nearly, since these Revelations of what I shall do to right the wrongs and lead a small band of humans into gentle, sinless life? I am enjoying the “process” of earth life now, and I smile at the growth that comes from some of the adventures. There are realms such as that envisioned in and after the Apocalypse, but earth isn’t one of them. And My merry heart continues to feast here.

( 8:26 / 10:58 )

You are not a natural “comic”, but you mostly lead life in a joyful way. That’s good. I led you to association with the Fellowship of Merry Christians and hence to cartoons, jokes, and stories in your church’s newsletter that are good for the congregation… and also good for you. Never consider that it’s too much trouble to find a few of each for each issue. You have a helpful book now, and you should go on and order the next one… the More.

As I have told you before I am the Source of joy in this earth, and I do have fun in being Holy Spirit and also the Triune God. This is to say that while not every happening is a source of joy there are many more than most of you recognize. I’m a bit sorry that My favorite religion, Christianity, is so often perceived as completely serious, headed by a serious, sometimes angry, God and a Savior who was not one to smile, much.

SAT., JAN. 18, 1997, 7:27 AM

Well, well… there seems to be some upsurge, again, in the understanding that I, the Triune God, and, specifically, I, the Holy Spirit, have a powerful sense of fun and humor. And yet what a contrast this is with the God portrayed in Lennie’s interpretation of the seven seals, from Revelations. Could it be that, instead of a God who is angry and fiercely competitive, creating people to be destroyed and damned for eternity, I am a God who gives out such stories and interpretations thereof just for fun? (Remember . . .

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