An Update On Sin

TUES., OCT. 9, 1990, 6:57 AM

The “Class” with Terri yesterday was a good one, and your understanding of the Teaching that was the base for your discussion was quite adequate. I don’t talk with you much about sin and sins, so allow Me to offer you an update as chilly, wet Fall weather takes over.

Sin is a condition of being. Sins are acts or practices that lead to a condition of sin. I said, in that Teaching, that homosexuality is a sin. A more accurate way to say that is that being homosexual is not necessarily a condition of sin, but if the life includes a number of loveless sex acts it becomes sinful. But this is not greatly different than a heterosexual person having promiscuous sexual acts. And, on balance at this time in human history, I would say that a loveless sexual act that produces a pregnancy is more of a sin than a homosexual act that does not. The sin is against My creation, for I now say that the earth cannot afford more inhabitants that are not loved by other humans and who can come to love in return.

The antidote to sin is love. My love for humans, as the Christ, was and is sufficient to cover all sin and turn many away from sinful acts. Yet seldom do I work miracles with love (occasionally, but not seldom). This means that My love for a person must come through other persons. Mature souls, even as babies and young children, can “pick up” and react positively to even small amounts of love. Less developed spirits need much obvious unconditional love, love that makes sinful acts less attractive and that empowers them to lead loving lives that are, hence, without sin.

It could be charged that I have not done enough to encourage love in the earth, rather than loveless sin. There is much evidence of this, but I have to reply that conditions are “just about right” in the earth to afford the kind of spiritual growth that I desire. It is often said, by those who focus much upon sin and sins, that with Adam and Eve came sin. This is mythical truth. But the story tells that temptation entered in, and who was the tempter? It had to be one of My creations, for I was the only Creator around. There had to be temptation, and there had to be sin or else this earth would have been no different than other realms, where sin is only a vague concept, but not a fact.

I don’t like sin nor the harm that sins produce. Yet I do love the turning away from sin that love encourages. I warm to scenes of sharing and sacrifice, one for another. The balance sometimes shifts to too much sin, but this is a stimulus to greater display of love, and the balance is restored or even overbalanced toward the love of the Christ spirit.

As Jesus, I was perfect, by definition. I was without sin, and this is almost universal Christian doctrine. Yet My behavior toward the Pharisees did not appear to be loving. It was tough love, for I did want them to see that their righteousness in keeping the laws was more of a sin than breaking a law in love. They did not respond to this form of love. There are Christian Pharisees in the earth today who judge others harshly, and not in love. To take My words and those of Paul and convert them into laws that determine sin becomes sin… a sin that leads to a state of sin. There is a love for righteous behavior that I recognize, and this enters in, also.

And, I must also say that I truly have called some to be loving Pharisees, who hold to stiff standards but who truly love those they must condemn and punish. This is one of the hardest earth roles to play. Be thankful you were not called for such a “mission.”

TUES., OCT. 9, 1990, 6:57 AM

The “Class” with Terri yesterday was a good one, and your understanding of the Teaching that was the base for your discussion was quite adequate. I don’t talk with you much about sin and sins, so allow Me to offer you an update as chilly, wet Fall weather takes over.

Sin is a condition of being. Sins are acts or practices that lead to a condition of sin. I said, in that Teaching, that homosexuality is a sin. A more accurate way to say that is that being homosexual is . . .

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