An Update On Sin

FRI., OCT. 3, 1997, 6:21 AM

For many Christians sin and sins are quite an important aspect of their religion, of life, and of relationship with Me, their Triune God. The Holy Scriptures do encourage this… and I want you to know and respect the Bible as important to this life you’re in, here in the earth. Yet here We are, you and I, in this teaching/learning mode We know so well, with Me offering you Teachings that amplify and clarify this Biblical record. These are not Holy Scripture for everyone, but they are for you. As I’ve told you, you are a low level mystic who hears Teachings from the Holy Spirit… I Who guided the writing and editing (and many comments about) these orthodox Christian Holy Scriptures.

Don’t I have to be consistent? Isn’t there consistent spiritual truth for all humans, over 5 billion of you now alive? Isn’t there at least consistent spiritual truth for you Christians? or for you American Christians? or even for you Presbyterians? Sorry. I just like diversity more than consistency. And this is certainly true for this matter of sin.

Let Me describe the two poles of the continuum that can represent the convictions of Christians (and I’ll limit Myself to you who are at least supposed to see Me Triune). At one extreme are those who see this earth as a sin-filled place. Humans are created in sin, and being sinful in their basic nature. Spiritually, the earth is inhabited by fallen angels, including their “leader” – Satan or Lucifer or the Devil. They have taken over the earth, and I can’t seem to counter their influence… or I don’t want to. Humans commit sins, and the accumulation of sins is sin. The Bible and I, as Jesus, have told you what sins are, so life is the hard, painful process of not sinning. Why? Because when you die you will be judged, and if your fight against sin has been valiant enough (if perfection were required heaven would be empty) you stay in heaven with Me and the few others whose earth lives have been good enough. The rest of you are, justly, sent to hell, to be tortured and burned for eternity.

(You see that I’m not big on paragraphs today. Is that sinful? Hmmm.)

This is quite a just system. Your criminal justice system is built on this, even as it is not pure in polarity. It is tainted with mercy. (6:55 / 6:57)

The other pole assumes that I, the Creator God, am competent, powerful, and compassionate. The earth is as it should be, and I am quite satisfied with it. There are sins, and people do commit them. But I see these as a part of spiritual growth, and that is the chief reason I allow the creation process to continue. I don’t expect perfection. I just want “progress” and awareness and appreciation. I also decided that pure justice was “not fair” for you humans, so I came to earth, as a babe, and then a man, to teach you how I wanted you to live. Having accomplished this I gave up My life willingly to counter your sins. On the cross I absorbed all of the sin of each of you, even those yet unborn. So if you accept grace… this gracious act of Mine… you may sin, but you are no longer a sinner. My blood washes you clean. When your body dies, the only judgment is – have you accepted Me and this gracious gift. Those who have naturally stay in close relationship with Me and others live in faith. For the others there are countless other ways to spend eternity, ways not described in detail. But mercy is supreme over stark justice.

FRI., OCT. 3, 1997, 6:21 AM

For many Christians sin and sins are quite an important aspect of their religion, of life, and of relationship with Me, their Triune God. The Holy Scriptures do encourage this… and I want you to know and respect the Bible as important to this life you’re in, here in the earth. Yet here We are, you and I, in this teaching/learning mode We know so well, with Me offering you Teachings that amplify and clarify this Biblical record. These are not Holy Scripture for everyone, but they are for . . .

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