An Update On “Substances That…”

FRI., APR. 24, 1998, 6:17 AM

It is rather surprising to you that over these years that We have been creating and sending out these Ruminations only two have dealt directly with this theme that was your professional interest for the middle portion of your career. It no longer is of great interest to you. The relationship with Bob Hammond, his Board, and his publications is your last link with this “past”. But you see that, since 1994, I’ve given you at least 10 Teachings with titles that relate. So why not see what I’ve shared with you over these four years in relation to “Substances that…”?!

The main one for you (actually, the only one) has been alcohol, in its various concentrations and tastes in beverages. You haven’t been a smoker, of legal or illicit drugs, and you have had no motivation to try other hard drugs, in pill form… and certainly not by way of a needle. You have a mild addiction to alcohol, and you are aware of this. It is more of a habit than a compulsion, and mostly the drinks just “modify your mood and behavior”, with no serious harmful consequences. Yet you realize you have lost some “freedom” in relation to your drinking. You hope it is just comparable to the freedom you’ve lost in whether or not you should come to Me for Teachings. Hmmm.

You are one who has grown up and lived in the midst of this American, middle class culture. You did not become a drinker until your mid-20’s, so you developed your self and your values in your teens and early 20’s without alcohol’s effects. (You “played at” smoking cigarettes, and a pipe for a bit, but didn’t like the effects enough to develop this as regular, habitual use.) You missed some experiences, good and bad, because you weren’t an early age drinker, but you’re basically pleased that you lived life, then, by your own “high” standards.

Your culture encourages pressures on people who want to succeed, and these pressures tend to increase if success isn’t realized… objectively or in relation to one’s own standards. Being religious or spiritual… or both… can be a good counter to such pressures (and you know I favor such a perspective) but there also are alcoholic beverages and drinks. These can change the way you feel, and, as I’ve told you before, can reveal how you really feel and how you really are, as a human person. That is, alcohol doesn’t cause behaviors or feelings so much as it allows them. It is a revealer…and you remember how pleased and “relieved” you were when you had your “underneath” self revealed as a happy, loving one rather than one mean and hurtful.

You prefaced your most-often-given presentation on “Man and Her Favorite Mood Modifier” with the truth that alcohol, in diluted form, is a natural part of the earth scene I created. Water, yeast, and plant substances can work together to form alcohol. This was not a surprise to Me. It is, potentially, a good part of creation… and, for the most part, it is such. It can help most of those who consume it, in non-excessive amounts, to feel “pleasanter and stronger”… and less troubled by the cares and pressures of the day. I see this as good.

Now of course there are problems that come from such mood modification. A somewhat parallel consequence came to your attention recently – the fourth leading cause of death in your culture today is adverse reactions to legal, prescribed medications. These substances, so necessary in countering symptoms and infections and diseases, also have the power to worsen the conditions in certain people and become threats rather than blessings.

FRI., APR. 24, 1998, 6:17 AM

It is rather surprising to you that over these years that We have been creating and sending out these Ruminations only two have dealt directly with this theme that was your professional interest for the middle portion of your career. It no longer is of great interest to you. The relationship with Bob Hammond, his Board, and his publications is your last link with this “past”. But you see that, since 1994, I’ve given you at least 10 Teachings with titles that relate. So why not see what I’ve . . .

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