An Update On “The Present”

SAT., FEB. 28, 1998, 12:20 PM

In the past week you have thought about the many wonderful events of the 1940’s and 50’s. You should go on with such a “review”, bringing back to your consciousness some of the events of those decades in your life. The conversation you just had with Jeff reminded you that you’ve been here on this place for more than 1/3 of your life. You still have some years to live, and though you’re not truly afraid of the future you have some sense that it will not be as satisfying as the past and present.

I, as Holy Spirit, have been active in all decades and eras of life here in the earth. To go beyond such and ask, “How long…?” is of no significance. Outside of this earth there is no time, no concern for “How many months… or years…?” I am active now, and quite aware of all that is happening in this present. So let Me share with you some of My observations.

There is relative prosperity in your land and in some others, while there is economic chaos and uncertainly in others. You don’t understand this whole economic picture, and, as I have told you often, I have little interest in and concern for money issues. Food is necessary, as well as drink. Shelter is essential. Money needs to be shared with those who have less and for causes that are important for you and Me. Most of the rest in economics is of minimal interest to Me.

In your culture there is, generally, an inordinate concern about bodily death. As I have told you repeatedly this also is of little concern to Me. Despite all of the deaths reported, in tragedies and in what a war with Iraq would entail I still see a human population that is growing excessively, so that deaths, from any cause, almost can be seen as blessings. There will be… there must be… more deaths, say I.

I have allowed the El Nino phenomenon to happen, with the problems… even devastation… that this brings… and will continue for some months. Food crops will be affected. Some will suffer, others will benefit. You are thankful that your son Michael’s home was not devastated, but that beautiful place turns out to be more hazardous than expected. You feel safe from water damage here, but you are also aware of the threat from tornadoes and earthquakes. No place is completely safe… nor continuously unlivable.

(12:50 / 12:56)

A war with Iraq was not necessary at this time, but the situation is far from settled. Some in your culture truly want to make war (a few for noble reasons… and there are such), and some exchange of explosives may eventually come. I am concerned mostly with preventing exchanges that ruin the earth for habitation. Loss of life can have some of the characteristics of a blessing.

The disagreements in your church family are unfortunate, but I see these as just part of the human condition… some mixture of freedom and… sin. You are back on the Session in a status as Clerk, but not truly an elected member, and this is pleasing to you. You like to be aware of what is happening in this part of My Body, but are not hot for being a leader, of any faction. Participate fully, but leave the “leading” to others.

The schism in son Michael’s congregation and “denomination” seems more serious. It is one of those challenges to the power of the organization, and I have seen so many of these over these years of “religious life” that I am not greatly troubled. It is a burden upon them, just another chance for spirit to grow… or to regress.

The present can be seen as a bundle of threats, as the press likes to picture it, or it can be as simple and peaceful as your two dogs, Charity and Prudence, lying together in the greening grass. The wind blows, but it isn’t clear from what direction. There are clouds, and also blue sky. You see that your desk never was completely cleaned, and this study is a mess.

SAT., FEB. 28, 1998, 12:20 PM

In the past week you have thought about the many wonderful events of the 1940’s and 50’s. You should go on with such a “review”, bringing back to your consciousness some of the events of those decades in your life. The conversation you just had with Jeff reminded you that you’ve been here on this place for more than 1/3 of your life. You still have some years to live, and though you’re not truly afraid of the future you have some sense that it will . . .

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