An Update On Time

TUES., NOV. 13, 1990, 5:50 AM

Together we wrote a Ruminations on Time… how long ago? If you had a great concern for time you would now exactly when that was. You do have a fairly easy way of checking, if you can remember which issue concluded with the list of previous themes. Time is a prime factor in your life in this culture, at this time, in the earth. In contrast I function outside of time, using it only when necessary.

You are time conscious. That has its advantages, but also it is a hindrance in some situations. You like to be early for events, and you dislike being late and having others arrive late. You know that for yourself and for others not arriving on time can be just irresponsibility… or it can be the consequence of giving yourself overlong to some other worthwhile task.

Consider this, as an example of time. You have lived on this Farm nearly 19 years, and you read yesterday that you can expect 20 more years of life, on the average. In one way this seems like “plenty of time,” for it seems that you have been here a good part of your life. And yet you recall many other aspects of your life, so that this Farm experience is not all that has been. Is the rest of your life, then, long or short?

Try another example: you are in your 42nd year of teaching, and you may have only 5 years more as a full-time teacher. If you will be enjoying these years the time will be short. If conditions would change so that teaching would seem onerous five years could be a long time.

Do I suggest any strategy for getting the most out of these remaining years… of teaching and of life? Of course. Let yourself move away from a time consciousness, gently rather than abruptly. Don’t try to do this. Just let it happen. Know that you are living toward a timeless realm, so just let your spirit (who remembers, while your mind does not) lead you toward this journey out of time. (The reason some souls choose not to return to the earth is their desire not to return to a timed existence.) I tell you that you have had much experience in timeless realms, so your spirit can recall such, if you let it. It shall not be easy, for you have accepted time quite zealously – in this life. Don’t be compulsive, but just let the transition begin.

Yet you consider that if you don’t use your time well you will not continue to be successful. For example, you want to be well prepared for your class tonight, but you also want to make progress on the typing of your paper. There may not be time for both, particularly if you just enjoy the day, listening to music… doing the puzzle. Oh, I am aware of the need for time consciousness. I also am quite aware of the way it can shackle your spirit… and this I want to prevent.

You see the sun rise (and you “accomplished” the time task of getting to this third page before this bright orb appeared), and this is the fundamental arbiter of time. You are experiencing the movement to shorter days and longer times of dark. This means that less can be accomplished outside, which requires more planning of the daylight hours. Consider also, however, that you have more dark hours to accomplish what can be done inside.

You try to imagine a timeless realm, and you are not sure about light. If there are variations in light and dark there is the suggestion of time. So are timeless realms completely timeless? Hmmm.

The secret of living life fully in a realm of time is to let time be to your advantage and not let it be an enemy. Be careful that you don’t take on more tasks than you can accomplish easily. Let yourself relax between responsibilities and enjoy the results rather than rushing on to “something else.” Scheduling seems like a focus on time, but it can be a way of not letting time be a stressor.

TUES., NOV. 13, 1990, 5:50 AM

Together we wrote a Ruminations on Time… how long ago? If you had a great concern for time you would now exactly when that was. You do have a fairly easy way of checking, if you can remember which issue concluded with the list of previous themes. Time is a prime factor in your life in this culture, at this time, in the earth. In contrast I function outside of time, using it only when necessary.

You are time conscious. That has its advantages, but also it is a hindrance in . . .

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