… And A Week “Whirled By”…

MON., JAN. 8, 2001, 3:12 PM

As you noted the date on and re-read, for yourself and for Lenore, this Teaching of New Year’s Day, now a week ago, you observe that time has “whirled by”… without any Teachings. It does seem as though I am “speeding up” your life, in this time of pain and disability. (Last evening, when your feet were bare you were aware of how disabled you were… restricted to a chair… not able to move without risk of further injury, or, certainly, a slowdown in healing.)

But this experience with Me, Holy Spirit, ( 3:15 / 3:24 ) has not been part of this past week, and though I realize that you are not experiencing time as you usually do, I do not want you to miss out on these times of learning – with Me. On the average, you are not too far “behind’ in seeking and hearing these Teachings, but a “week without” is not acceptable to Me… and it isn’t, to you, either. So, here we go again (Yes, I’ll protect you from that dreaded chimney fire!)

You still have pain, most of it bearable… but it does cause you to wonder whether full healing will finally be achieved. You know that you have the “gift” of not-remembering pain. Oh, you can recall when you did have pain, but when it is no more the actual experience fades and is gone. You assume this “gift” will continue with you, and, though you’ll be able to recount the experience, its painful presence will not return.

It is a cold, gray day, with patches of snow still remaining. It is the winter season, a time, now, for you, of minimal activity. You realize, of course, that your firewood, in the shed or “out front” would not have lasted you for this time… without all that Bobaire and Mark have provided. Be sure that you remember this “help” that has come, for tasks you have been unable to do. Repay, directly, what you can, but also be aware of what you can do for some others, who may not be able to “repay” you, directly. It is good to “do for others as they have done for you” but it is equally good to do for others, in need, because of what some others have done for you. “Repaying” is commendable. So is “Pass it on.”

As I said in that “previous Teaching” (a week ago) the extent of the healing of your feet will be an important factor in how you live, in the future. (Your loss of eyesight may be another, as it affects your driving.) I have told you… and I do so again… that you are privileged (as your son Michael was not) to continue living this earth life with accumulating losses. You say, to Me, that you prefer this to sudden death, with many capacities intact. But the downside of this is the need to keep changing your “life style” to “accommodate” these losses. Would you continue to live here on this Farm (Your Place!) if you couldn’t deal with animals? What about mowing the lawn in the summer?

To what extent would you want to be “restricted” to this place? How “active” do you want to remain? Your “favored places” in Carbondale are ( 3:57 / 4:13 ) sold and no longer available. Would you want to live “just anywhere”? Would there be some “advantages” to living in the Village of Cobden? These and other alternatives are yours to consider. You have enjoyed this present “way of living; how much of it must you give up?

You just have talked with Lynda, told her about your recent “adventure,” and heard about some of her plans for the future. You shall do what you can to help her move on in her career… for you still have some “stature” to “share.”

As you recount “your story,” as you just did to Lynda, you do wonder where you were all during that trek… and you do accept that I did guide you to a successful return to this Farm. But there was a “price” for that continued life, and some of it is painful, you freely admit. Pain is part of life, and you have had rather limited experience with it. Now you “have the privilege” of pain, and you’re doing fairly well with it.

MON., JAN. 8, 2001, 3:12 PM

As you noted the date on and re-read, for yourself and for Lenore, this Teaching of New Year’s Day, now a week ago, you observe that time has “whirled by”… without any Teachings. It does seem as though I am “speeding up” your life, in this time of pain and disability. (Last evening, when your feet were bare you were aware of how disabled you were… restricted to a chair… not able to move without risk of further injury, or, certainly, a slowdown in healing.)

But this experience . . .

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