… And An Itch Shall Lead You…

SUN., JULY 19, 1998, 1:22 AM

… to Me, early on a Sunday morn. You felt that three Teachings this week were not enough, and you prepared for one this morning… but not quite this early. Do you really consider that I have “used” this itchy foot as a “means”? You know I could. Why not? Certainly learning from Me is more important than sleep. So… here We are.

I have no great earth-shaking message for you this morning. It is warm and dark outside, and the night creatures keep up their constant “chatter”. You are quite aware, as a reader of and listener to the daily news, that some people are suffering at this moment and some will die during this hour We spend together. And yet I also tell you that the vast majority of humans are either enjoying and profiting from their sleep (on the dark side of the globe) or going about their daily tasks with happy hearts.

Oh, I see that some of you, particularly in your culture, define life in terms of “problems”, and bring unhappiness as a result of such perceptions. I am responsible for some of this, I know, for one of My messages is to recognize and consider the seriousness of sin… and that each of you sins constantly. This should… and does… cause distress. “How can I not sin?” is a cry I hear from many of My earnest servants. If the Scriptures… many of them… are taken seriously and rationally the answer to this question is not clear… or comes as “Sorry, there’s no way”.

But My Way is much more mystical than it is rational. Accept My Hand and, lo! You do not sin, for sins are forgiven. This is not fair… not right. There must be justice in this earth scene that I have created as a unique realm for the development of spirit… for better comprehension of Who I Am and what “life” is about. Justice is a good, but I am not positively impressed by the increase in prisons as a symbol of this “good” – justice.

If justice is a good, how can its opposite – mercy – be equally desirable? Logically it can’t be, but you know by now that I Am a both/and Spirit. Too much justice leads to the need for mercy and forgiveness… and too much of this leads back to the need for justice.

You are a professed Christian, one who knows Scripture fairly well. This tells you that I, Holy Spirit, have been and am active in this earth realm… when, where, how, and with whom I choose. I come to you with Teachings, some of which do not seem to agree with some Scriptures. Can I be trusted to be Holy Spirit or am I some satanic being, pulling you away from “the true religion”? Sons of yours are being faithful to their “religion” when they question the reality and validity of these Teachings. Do I approve of this? Of course. Should you continue to hear Me and record these Teachings just as you “hear” them? Of course.

For one of My great loves is for diversity in all that I have created and do sustain. I am not an inept Creator. I am quite pleased with this Earth as a special realm in which spirit can thrive. There are many paths back to Me. You are on one of these, which is not normative for your culture. This is a spiritual challenge for you… and for some others, whose paths are different from yours.

Why do I create and sustain all of this diversity, even in families? Shouldn’t there be just One Truth and One Path? That would be boring and not nearly as much fun as how I say it is. Fun!? Where do Scriptures declare that I have fun…as the Triune God… as Holy Spirit, as the Risen Christ, and as Almighty God? There’s little affirmation of this, I admit. But you concluded rightly in that Ruminations on fun and humor – if it is a good and valued aspect of humanness, is this sin?… or just a reflection of Me and how I see reality? I tell you that I have fun with this earth and the lives I influence, and this certainly includes these many spiritual paths which seem not to be compatible.

SUN., JULY 19, 1998, 1:22 AM

… to Me, early on a Sunday morn. You felt that three Teachings this week were not enough, and you prepared for one this morning… but not quite this early. Do you really consider that I have “used” this itchy foot as a “means”? You know I could. Why not? Certainly learning from Me is more important than sleep. So… here We are.

I have no great earth-shaking message for you this morning. It is warm and dark outside, and the night creatures keep up their constant “chatter”. You are quite . . .

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