… And, Be Aware Of Spirit

TUES., JUNE 10, 1997, 10:22 AM (H.S.T.)

This huge airliner cruises along over banks of clouds, and you become ever closer to that island land where your career began. The theme for this Teaching is the admonition to be ever aware of spirit during this week. It shall be evident in many ways, but you still seem unaware of many such manifestations. I’ll keep reminding you, but let this be the keystone Teaching.

You have been on the Punahou campus often enough, in recent years so that even some of the newer buildings are now familiar. Still, let the spirit that Pauahi, Cooke, Castle and Wilcox recall… the early days, now 49 years back. The Lily Pond and the middle and lower fields… and certainly the track and the football field… should bring back memories of spirit in teams and, just, spirit in that place. Walk slowly by 72 Pipers Pali and recall the days of young boys, who are now approaching middle age, with children of their own.

Let the spirit that was, and is, in that campus, its buildings and the memories of your early career there wash over you, in nostalgic recall. Here is spirit without people… just interacting with an environment. Oh, you shall have flashes of memory of the athletic contests there, but the years have smudged such recollections pretty decidedly.

Central Union Church should again be experienced, again just as a place and, hopefully, as a scene of Sunday worship. That was not a place of great spiritual growth for you, but the music that you helped create, as a young man, was spirit moving. The sanctuary, so different from the one in which you normally worship, is spirit-enriching, as a place.

The Hamamoto home is one in which you feel both welcomed and comfortable AND being an “outsider” guest. Their life goes on, mostly without you. They are hospitable, but you shall soon return and life will return to normal… just as yours will, with the departure of Richard and Christine. Nevertheless, feel the spirit that has been imbued through many visits… and the renewal of family friendships with Joanne and Howard… Warren, Mark, even Paul.

You are uneasy about relating to your Dad. He shall have some gladness in your being there, but you also shall be a “disturbance”, and such can be upsetting to him. Give him some time and attention, but be aware of how this affects his spirit. It is a good spirit, developed during years of serving Me in rather mundane ways. He is ready to pass on over, but his body still functions adequately. Assure him that I shall be ready to greet him and lead him on to the next lap of his spiritual journey. He may now be ready to hear of such a welcome in store.

The reunion with the members of this class, some of whom were touched and affected by your spirit during their high school years, is an experience you anticipate, but with some trepidations. You want to “be remembered”, but realize recollections of you may be fading. Go into the groups and various interactions with full spirit, being aware of their spirits, which may be more evident as they edge into at least young old age. Seek some conversations that could include spiritual experiences. Don’t judge the interactions until the gatherings are pau.

The active career that you began here these many years ago will soon be over, and this visit gives you a chance to re-experience its early years. When your retirement party is past, and the last session of the second class wanes, you shall be in another stage of life. It shall be more contemplative, more influenced by spirit. In your re-reading of the Teachings during last summer’s visit here you recalled Me suggesting that you write your life story, in the “dimensional mode”, before your mind begins to falter as your brother-in-law Bob’s is doing. It is a good saga, and it should be written.

TUES., JUNE 10, 1997, 10:22 AM (H.S.T.)

This huge airliner cruises along over banks of clouds, and you become ever closer to that island land where your career began. The theme for this Teaching is the admonition to be ever aware of spirit during this week. It shall be evident in many ways, but you still seem unaware of many such manifestations. I’ll keep reminding you, but let this be the keystone Teaching.

You have been on the Punahou campus often enough, in recent years so that even some of the . . .

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