… And, By The Way, Have Fun!

SAT., FEB. 1, 1997, 7:15 AM

The Teaching yesterday morning (and you just reread it) was a fairly serious one… about positive health when bodily conditions are not as positive as you’d like them to be. The sun did not shine forth as expected, but as you started this the sun was blazing… and should be again before We finish. I ended with Selah, which means, for you, “there will be more at a later time”. This isn’t too much later!

The important additional message about the rest of your life is… “and, by the way, have fun!” Spend as little time as possible worrying and being frustrated by non-ideal conditions. Have fun with these next-to-last classes… and with any that shall follow. You have had fun with your classes in these last years, I know. I’m just encouraging you to continue to do so with these.

Have fun with the animals that you have, and, again, this is a reinforcement rather than a call for change. After the winter season you may want to get a dog again. This can be a source of frustration and extra work, but you also know the fun you had with Charity (who may be waiting for you before the Rainbow Bridge… could be…) and even with hyper Mele. I know you’ll consider it… as the bright sun reappears).

I certainly want you to have fun here on this place. You enjoyed the wood-cutting process yesterday, but you could have been in a more joyful mood as you gathered that truckload of wood at the Keen’s. It was a fine day, with comfortable temperature. It was a long task, but not a hard one. And because it isn’t finished yet I say, “Have more fun as you pile it somewhere for future warmth and cheer”.

This is now February, so you can start anticipating the planting season, for flowers and for vegetables. Perhaps in this coming state of retirement you will enjoy this more, with other pressing responsibilities lessened. Don’t deny the possible truth, even for you, of My servant Bernie’s story of the landscaper whose cancer disappeared as he worked to make the world more beautiful. And do it with smiles and laughter.

You are now reaching that stage in life when you should take everything less seriously. I have told you repeatedly that I shall see that you have the means you need to live a comfortable life, and you’re now close to believing that. Everything won’t go exactly as you wish, but focus on the good and see the humor in the “bad”. The economy of your country will probably chug along, without any major depression in this life of yours… but remember that you were alive as a child during the Big Depression in your culture, and you enjoyed life… had a fine, happy childhood. You know that there could be some benefit to your culture to have to suffer a bit, but, unfortunately, some would suffer much more than others. That’s sad… but I observe that those who have the most don’t always have the most fun, and some with very little do enjoy life. (Your culture is so focused on the “things” that money can buy that it is harder to be joyful if you feel poor.)

Continue to have fun in your church activities… with the Newsletter, in greeting people, in leading worship (one reason for considering another tour on the Session)… in just being part of that fellowship of people. It was too bad that you missed the gathering of students yesterday. Be sure and go to future times of fun, such as this.

SAT., FEB. 1, 1997, 7:15 AM

The Teaching yesterday morning (and you just reread it) was a fairly serious one… about positive health when bodily conditions are not as positive as you’d like them to be. The sun did not shine forth as expected, but as you started this the sun was blazing… and should be again before We finish. I ended with Selah, which means, for you, “there will be more at a later time”. This isn’t too much later!

The important additional message about the rest of your life is… “and, by the . . .

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