And I Say, “Give Thanks!”

THURS., NOV. 23, 1995, 10:46 PM

Now comes the close of your national holiday called Thanksgiving. It was a good day for you, with fine Fall weather, a couple of good football games to watch, and a sumptuous meal, shared with two sons, and the wife and daughters of one, plus Mabel. You didn’t think enough about the thanks you should have offered as this day went along, and that’s why I’ve called you to this Teaching ere the actual day is past. You thought you had decided to seek this Teaching at this “Andy” time, but it really was in response to My calling and leading. Again, so much for free will. (Could you quit now just to dispute My power?)

I have told you repeatedly that I like to be thanked for blessings for which I am responsible… and even for ones that do not come directly from Me. Why? Because thanking is so good for your spirit. As spirit develops and matures it looks more and more toward others and toward Me… and away from focus on self. Thanking is the recognition of what others do for you… and, ultimately, of what I do in assisting your good life. All prayers should commence with some thanks, for I, as the Triune God, am responsible, finally, for much that is good in your life.

In relations with other people it is important to be abundant in your thanks for what you appreciate in them. With students you occasionally offer written thanks for portions of papers that are pleasing to you. During these last classes in your career be more generous in expressing such responses. Be thankful for the colleagues you have, and let them know of these feelings. You are still behind in essential correspondence, and some of that is of the Thank You ilk.

You are thankful for the sons you have, and for the families three of them head. You could wish that some of them would be somewhat different than they are, but you suspect that they would have similar wishes for changes in you. Diversity does have its down side, and when you think of others in your family… and their children, who they are and what they’re doing… you can (and should) be thankful for these sons and families… and that you can be reasonably proud of each.

Your life, in its several facets, is certainly one for which you can be thankful. I’ve focused on this in recent Teachings, so I’ll not be grossly repetitive. I’ll just say you have a loving, compatible wife, who approves of your relationship with Me; you have a fine place to live, an excellent professional position, and a church family that is enjoyable. Your body still works rather well, and you should be thankful for the healing that is returning your foot to a painless state. Even if you don’t achieve the full healing that you’d like, give thanks for the function that you still have. You are quite better off than many your age, remember.

Consider the many circumstances into which you could have been born, now nearly 70 years ago. Shouldn’t you give thanks for the stable, happy home into which you were born and in which you grew up? You had above average abilities, and you exercised them rather well. You were in a war, but not in combat, and for that you should give thanks. You have had enjoyable jobs, and have made some contributions to your field, particularly in lives you have touched.

THURS., NOV. 23, 1995, 10:46 PM

Now comes the close of your national holiday called Thanksgiving. It was a good day for you, with fine Fall weather, a couple of good football games to watch, and a sumptuous meal, shared with two sons, and the wife and daughters of one, plus Mabel. You didn’t think enough about the thanks you should have offered as this day went along, and that’s why I’ve called you to this Teaching ere the actual day is past. You thought you had decided to seek this Teaching at this . . .

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