And I, Too, shall Hear You…

SAT., SEPT. 19, 1998, 6:55 AM

Tomorrow you shall have another opportunity to tell of Our relationship and offer some direct evidence of it. Though you still feel that you are “in the closet” as at least a “semi-mystic” you have not found it difficult to speak of this relationship… when asked. I, Holy Spirit, your quite direct contact with the spirit world, am willing to help with these revealings. The Teachings you selected are good ones for this “task”, and I’m pleased to have provided them (even the one in that first month, when you were not at all certain what this meant.)

I gave you the one-word title “Unlikely”. You resisted, but then persisted, for it was… and is… unlikely that you, or anyone like you, socially and spiritually (and intellectually, of course), would be hearing directly from Me, Holy Spirit. But if this were actually happening you wouldn’t continue… would you? Aha, you did, and here you are this morning, continuing in this mystical learning experience. Yes, o son, We are now in our 20th year, in earth time, and I am helping you live this last portion of this earth life more fully AND prepare for your return to a timeless realm, where opportunities somewhat different from those of the present do abound.

I have given you some “hints” about your “continuing life”, but I assure you that it will not be very surprising to you. Though you, because of your enculturation, can’t “remember” life before this one, it shall seem quite familiar when you have shed the restrictions of earth life. I say it will be “familiar”, but you have made spiritual progress as Bob Russell so you shall see continuing life somewhat differently… more fully.

Yes, son of Mine, you have lived in a “good time”, in your culture and in historical time. You have had opportunities of many kinds and have taken many of these. You had an enjoyable athletic career… and then a brief one as a coach… with, what, four championships. Though you were only barely aware of your destinies in those early years of your career you “lived it out” quite according to plan. You made decisions that seemed quite “free” but were mostly the ones We planned.

This still seems weird to you, and you can’t truly understand it as the earth person you are now. Don’t fret about it. Just hear that how you have lived is quite close to the “general plan” We set for you, in preparation. Now I’ll say that you weren’t aware of… and expecting… My rather direct entry into your life, by way of these Teachings. That was My “little surprise”, which, was also a kind of “test”.

The test? Could you hear Me as I spoke, and would you persist in this, once it was established? Were you “mature” enough to recognize this unusual opportunity and continue it for… oh, how about… the rest of this earth life? As a middle-class, semi-Puritan American you would be expected to ask, “What is this for? Why?”

In one sense it has no cosmic purpose. It is merely a friendly, on-going “conversation”, with Me doing the talking. You have written and have preserved these Teachings, and I have encouraged their “use” in Our Ruminations, but I am giving you no major “assignment” as to their future “use”. I have called these scripture, because they are directly from Me, Holy Spirit (and therefore they also are holy). In some ways they are more relevant to this time and culture than the Canon that is official, but, finally, they are not actual competition with the Original… except for you… since they are addressed to you.

SAT., SEPT. 19, 1998, 6:55 AM

Tomorrow you shall have another opportunity to tell of Our relationship and offer some direct evidence of it. Though you still feel that you are “in the closet” as at least a “semi-mystic” you have not found it difficult to speak of this relationship… when asked. I, Holy Spirit, your quite direct contact with the spirit world, am willing to help with these revealings. The Teachings you selected are good ones for this “task”, and I’m pleased to have provided them (even the one in that first month, when . . .

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