… And I’ll Tell You Again…

TUES., JUNE 3, 1997, 6:10 AM

What have I repeatedly told you about life and health? That it has been your professional task to focus on positive, holistic health, that you are to live with an emphasis on the positive (despite a few imperfections that have developed and will develop), and that you will live just as long as I want you to live. I certainly want no movement toward worrying about this or that possible deterrent to health or “shortener” of life.

You have had a minor mission – to re-introduce the spiritual as a dimension of and a factor in personal and community health. Your (and My) Wellspring, Human/Spiritual Interacting, has done that with some clarity, and this summer class has been another evidence that this can be learned and then communicated on to others. Those in your classes have benefited from this introduction and clarification, and some of these will carry this on, in their own ways.

The more tangible contribution, to your profession and to individual lives of those in it, are Our Ruminations… and this next one will focus, yet again, on this Wellspring I’m talking about this morning. You have extra copies of each, and the capacity to make more, so new readers can benefit from some written in years past, as well as those quite current. (You were confused about the date… time is moving along for you… so get the materials to be photocopied ready by tomorrow, at least.)

I’ll also tell you again that it is time for you to retire… from full-time teaching and the responsibilities that go along with being a faculty member. You can continue on the committees of these 4 special people… or is it 5?… where you can be of help in insuring that they carry on your mission, as they have opportunities, in the future. But then I say… continue to think in both/and ways… if opportunities to teach arise consider each carefully and accept My advice on each. You shall be retired… but maybe not, completely.

You are a saved soul and one “reasonably” enlightened (or is that another oxymoron?). You are to live each day with less attachment to this earth life and more concern for the spiritual life that continues on. Continue to recall the “moral” of the story of the thorn in the foot… consider that whatever happens to you is Me, in some form… another opportunity for your spirit to grow… and for your body to be invigorated, even as it has signs of deterioration. You can be happy and healthy each day, until it is your time to pass.

Notice that word “pass”. In your larger field, education, this is quite a positive term. If you pass it means you have completed that course or that unit of school and are ready to move on to the next. You are ready for the next challenge, for you have “passed” the present one. It can apply equally to your continuing life. When it is time and you are ready you shall “pass” on into the next level of your life adventure.

Fame has not been yours to enjoy or to endure, but you have had some accomplishments and some honors. And you shall be leaving, in tangible forms, evidence of Our relationship, in the Teachings and in the Ruminations. And, naturally, I have even more to say.

You are on a life path that has been partly determined and partly chosen. You have a will, but so do I. Also consider that some of the predetermination was set by your spirit, with me, before you took this life form.

TUES., JUNE 3, 1997, 6:10 AM

What have I repeatedly told you about life and health? That it has been your professional task to focus on positive, holistic health, that you are to live with an emphasis on the positive (despite a few imperfections that have developed and will develop), and that you will live just as long as I want you to live. I certainly want no movement toward worrying about this or that possible deterrent to health or “shortener” of life.

You have had a minor mission – to re-introduce the spiritual as a dimension . . .

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