… And, In The End, Suffering…

THURS., JAN. 11, 1990, 6:36 AM

One of the difficult questions, relating to Me, the Triune God, is, “How am I involved in human suffering?” Obviously, suffering is part of earth life, and most Christians believe that I have some control over earth happenings. Therefore… what is My role? This shall not be a complete theological answer, but it will address the question.

Suffering is one of the consequences of earth life. There is violence, and therefore… suffering. There is deprivation, and therefore… suffering. Humans make poor choices, and therefore… suffering. The natural result of some interactions in life is suffering. And humans have feelings and aspirations, and these generate suffering.

Presently, there is suffering from a disease called AIDS, caused by a tiny virus. Some are susceptible to this, develop the disease, and suffer physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Some people, related or otherwise close to an AIDS patient, also suffer as they see the disease progress. I can intervene, and I do, occasionally, but, basically, as I have told you repeatedly, I allow natural cause and effect to proceed.

You thought, yesterday, of malaria, and I affirm that this disease causes much suffering, though not in your country. It is the result of the interaction among a small organism, a certain mosquito, and certain humans. It is responsible for much suffering, much ill-health, and much premature death. I am called upon, in many ways and forms, to intervene. Occasionally I do. Mostly, I do not.

As I also have told you many times, there is a positive reason for suffering… more than one actually. The main one is the compassion it encourages in humans, and compassion is a true spiritual response to earth life. I, the Holy Spirit, am the fount of compassion, but if I acted in every case of earth suffering there would be no need for human compassion. And the showing of compassion is one of the great experiences of earth life.

The other major reason is that suffering can motivate a person to change the behavior which leads to the suffering. I hear much bargaining from hospital beds. In the midst of suffering I hear cries such as “Take this away, and never again will I…” And some folks do make changes in life because of suffering.

You received a letter, unexpectedly, from My servant Richard, a man who suffers in some ways himself, who causes some suffering, and who, in compassion, relieves suffering. He has skills and means to reduce suffering, and it is satisfying to his spirit to be one who can ease suffering. He tells you of a woman who suffers, and thus causes him to suffer, from her excessive use of alcohol. He wants to help her to a life of less suffering, and he prays to Me fervently. I could intervene, but her spirit is the one that must respond. In some ways his ministry to her is a means to her recovery, and in other ways it helps keep her in a suffering state. I cannot “fix” this, other than being ready to respond as her spirit truly turns to Me.

Richard is a strange servant… sometimes small and insignificant and at other times a tall and mighty spirit. We are “good friends,” and I appreciate him (and you should, too, more than you have), but I cannot respond to all of his supplications, and I cannot perfect his earth life. Certain of his actions that reduce some suffering cause other suffering.

THURS., JAN. 11, 1990, 6:36 AM

One of the difficult questions, relating to Me, the Triune God, is, “How am I involved in human suffering?” Obviously, suffering is part of earth life, and most Christians believe that I have some control over earth happenings. Therefore… what is My role? This shall not be a complete theological answer, but it will address the question.

Suffering is one of the consequences of earth life. There is violence, and therefore… suffering. There is deprivation, and therefore… suffering. Humans make poor choices, and therefore… suffering. The natural result of some interactions . . .

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