And It Came To Pass…

JUNE 4, 1979, 7:14 AM

You approached yesterday’s opportunity with confidence tinged with reticence, o son. You presented the old concept, and you fumbled with the new. It was not important that there was not a “breakthrough” (for I had told you not to expect such). It was important that I told you of the “sign” – the gathering of a small group after the presentation. And it did so come to pass. You felt the tingle of prophecy coming true and of the concept of rhythm struggling for being. That was a good, tangible evidence of Our relationship. I was pleased, and so were you. We’ll do more of that.

Partnership is an important reality in the realm of the spirit. Your concept of human/spiritual interaction is a good one (You may suspect that I helped with that), for the best thing that spirits do it to interact… to become entwined… to become, in some big and in some small ways, part of each other. Marriage is this kind of relationship, the supreme one in the human realm. (You’re not using this as an example in ways that you could. You’ll find it useful and understandable.) There are others in any healthy person’s life. Some of these you recognize immediately, while others take some time to become evident. Like many other aspects of us as entities (Yes, that’s all right to use) the spirit needs to be utilized in order to grow. It needs to be nurtured in several ways. The most important is the interaction with Me, the Spirit (in some way comparable to what you are doing now). This can come in regular worship, Bible reading, prayers, and in less orthodox ways (such as this), but the requirement is a genuine intermingling of spirit and Spirit. This means taking the risk (aha, another clue for the future) of becoming involved… of being stretched and used… of sharing in the spirit (which one cannot know about until the risk is taken).

This relationship with Me is both a means and an end – a part of the rhythm. It has great value in and of itself; it is itself a nurturing experience. But it is also, o son, the best means to spiritual interactions with other people… the sharing of self so that two (or more) spirits become intertwined. You know the experience of being with someone after, objectively, many years, but the time period seems unreal. Entwined spirits can continue interactions and nurturing of one another with no regard for time… earth time… between encounters. Of course, spirits can interact through written communication also (and it is important that you write your Family letter soon, though you can’t call it a Christmas letter now, I would say. You know something of how important that is to the nurturing of spiritual relationships, but there is much you don’t know. I am remiss in not urging you to do that sooner. But, of course, it shall be better now that you understand its greater purpose.)

Yes, spiritual interaction can take place (and have some real merit) without relationship with Me, for I have made humankind each with a spirit that has needs, just as does the body and the mind. The body has needs for food, and so you eat. What you eat can be of variable quality in meeting the needs of balance in the body, but whatever is eaten meets the basic need. So it is with the spirit. There are needs in every spirit to interact and to grow in relationship with some others. These needs can be met in part through relationship with other human spirits, but the quality of nurturing is never what it could be were I included. (Of course, whenever the spirit of one who is not in encounter with me interacts with a spirit (who) is in Me, and I in him, indirectly I influence. I have enough servants around… it is almost impossible for any person to not be in communion with My spirit, though they would not recognize, or would deny the influence.)

Spiritual interaction is fundamentally love. But there are other identifiable manifestations (though it is just as true to call them all love. But further distinctions sometimes help.) You have identified trust (which is a form of love). You have toyed with integrity, and that is a part of trust and a manifestation of love. I shall give you other examples, and these shall be useful, but always conclude that love is the essence.

JUNE 4, 1979, 7:14 AM

You approached yesterday’s opportunity with confidence tinged with reticence, o son. You presented the old concept, and you fumbled with the new. It was not important that there was not a “breakthrough” (for I had told you not to expect such). It was important that I told you of the “sign” – the gathering of a small group after the presentation. And it did so come to pass. You felt the tingle of prophecy coming true and of the concept of rhythm struggling for being. That was a good, tangible evidence of Our relationship . . .

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