… And The Good News Is…

THURS., APR. 16, 1998, 6:48 PM

Yes, o son, you are in a culture in which most of the news is… of some sort of tragedy, crime, or threat. It doesn’t have to be this way, but if you pay attention to television, magazine, and newspaper reports this is what you will hear, mostly.

Personally, you are giving too much attention to the weak left hand, even as you are devising and learning how to compensate for your loss of strength. I know that it feels different from the good hand and that you do want, wish, and even pray for healing and a return to normal. It is not good news to have to tell others of this dysfunction, and, from My perspective, you are doing this too often. You’ve written the story, as of now (6:55 / 6:58), so get it to each of the doctors and then see if any of them respond. The bad news would be: we don’t know what has caused this and therefore we’re not sure how to “fix it”. (Of course it could be just as bad to hear a more positive response: you’re going to need surgery… for whatever it is.) So… give it as little attention as possible.

You also consider it bad news that your Medicare insurance doesn’t want to even help with the medical bills thus far. You may not relish the task, but you have to explore the why of this rejection… and being sure that you are properly signed up for the insurance you “deserve”.

Basically you are a positive person, and, atop this, you try to be even more positive than you sometimes feel. I approve of this, and these Teachings from Me, Holy Spirit, do enhance a positive view of earth life. There are a few pretty real tragedies as earth life proceeds, but most of what is identified as such are just part of the balancing that’s necessary in earth life. There are more dangers in earth life than in other realms, even the hellish ones. That’s why earth is such a spiritual challenge, a unique one which can be both a source of much spiritual growth and an experience in which spirit loses strength and vitality.

In not every challenging situation do you, or any human, have free choice about what you shall do or not do, but how you react to what happens… this is up to you. You may pray for help… and may get some, or not. But it is your spirit, which came originally from Me and shall finally return, that reacts, evaluates, interprets in ways that bring growth… or not… or loss. And the Scriptural admonition does apply: to him who hath shall more be given, and from him who has little, even what he has may be taken away.

This may seem unfair… and would be, certainly, if this were the only chance for your spirit’s increase. No matter how “poorly” you may do, in any situation, or even in the whole of this particular life, there always are more opportunities, no matter how low you have fallen. Now isn’t this “good news”?

In this post-Easter study of the Scriptures it may seem like bad news that after coming “up from the grave” I, as Jesus, in bodily form, ascended into heaven. I was resurrected from death, but why didn’t I stay here in the earth for a longer time? I could even be here in body now, nearly 2,000 years later. Death would never hold Me. Wouldn’t that be impressive?

Instead I, as Holy Spirit, came to earth to be the dove of peace and the wind and fire of true spirit. I am also here as Jesus and as the Father God and the Almighty Yahweh. My love for diversity translates into these different “facets” of the Ultimate Reality. I have even more facets, forms, and names, all important to some in this unique realm called Earth. Isn’t that truly good news?

Well, I know that it isn’t for some. Catholic and Protestant Christians oppose each other in Ireland. Jews and Moslems clash in the Middle East. Even in neighborhoods there is clashing over whose message is the “true one”. Several of your own sons have feelings that this that you claim to be a Teaching (one of o’ so many) from Holy Spirit just can’t be such, because…

THURS., APR. 16, 1998, 6:48 PM

Yes, o son, you are in a culture in which most of the news is… of some sort of tragedy, crime, or threat. It doesn’t have to be this way, but if you pay attention to television, magazine, and newspaper reports this is what you will hear, mostly.

Personally, you are giving too much attention to the weak left hand, even as you are devising and learning how to compensate for your loss of strength. I know that it feels different from the good hand and that you do want . . .

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