… And The Small Shall Prosper…

FRI., OCT. 23, 1992, 7:02 AM

You read of increasingly resistant strains of micro-organisms… the small creatures in My creation, the Earth… and you wonder whether this is one of those “balances” of which I have spoken. Well, again you have some choices in interpreting this apparent rebalancing. Can it be that I do not want this to happen to the human population? Do I desire that each conception should live a full human life, without any threats from infection or disease? Surely if I had the power I would not allow this to happen. But of course I do have the power… Supreme Power.

Or… do I want to purposely reduce the human population and to make its continuing existence more painful and less happy? Am I displeased with humanity as I was at “flood time” or in several other instances in the Old Testament story? ( 7:18 / 12:08 PM) Is this a deliberate action on My part to show My wrathful displeasure with human life. Clearly I have told you repeatedly that this is not so. I am basically pleased with human life and its interactions. But the increase in your form of life is troublesome because it causes damage to the whole web of life, that is My Supreme Creation.

The explanation that is left is that this is just a natural occurrence in the pattern of life that I have initially created, and it is not serious enough for Me to counter it, which would bring forth other “problems.” Just as there were hurricanes recently that devastated certain areas, taking a few lives, and causing much damage, where was I? I was there, but I did not prevent the winds from doing what atmospheric and temperature conditions caused. You humans have had rather good control of some infections over the last 50 years. I have allowed these medications to be developed, knowing that their use would result in some imbalance of life. Yet I also knew of the capacities of the small bits of life that were being devastated by drugs. I have known there would be a resurgence of their life, particularly as I saw these “miracle drugs” being used in excessive amounts and quite unwisely.

I now see that this development now being publicized will bring forth more purposive human action, and some countees will appear. And yet the balance will seem to be against human life, at least for awhile. I shall be both blessed and cursed as organisms seem to be gaining in strength. But worse, I shall be ignored by many who feel that they alone can make a difference – that they can change nature to their benefit and have no unfortunate “side effects.” I know this will happen, particularly in your culture… but… I would rather be blessed or cursed.

Scientific study increasingly shows more and more complexity to life. This should lead such investigators to the conclusion that there was an incredibly masterful creative Hand at work… initially and now. Some do respond this way, seeing that a natural evolution of all of these complex processes seems increasingly unlikely. Others feel that a God couldn’t have been this creative… for some strange reason. Oh well, they are part of My Creation, too. I am ultimately responsible for those who deny My Presence, Power, and Creativity.

FRI., OCT. 23, 1992, 7:02 AM

You read of increasingly resistant strains of micro-organisms… the small creatures in My creation, the Earth… and you wonder whether this is one of those “balances” of which I have spoken. Well, again you have some choices in interpreting this apparent rebalancing. Can it be that I do not want this to happen to the human population? Do I desire that each conception should live a full human life, without any threats from infection or disease? Surely if I had the power I would not allow this to happen. But . . .

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