… And The Sun Shines Bright…

TUES., JAN. 9, 2001, 3:28 PM

Yesterday was cold and dreary. Today the sun shines bright on this old So. Ill. Farm. The snow melts a bit, and, maybe, by tomorrow, the ground cover will be gone. The small Christmas tree on the table before you is “undecorated” (even as it never shone forth the icicles that have been characteristic of “your trees”), and the New Year… and new century… has “been here” for a few days.

Your feet still are painful (one more than the other), so your “lesson” continues. No, it is not blasphemous to accept (even assert) that I allowed this to happen, as a potential lesson for you. And, REMEMBER, that I also assert that I guided you in protective ways. You have damaged feet, but your life continues, in potential service to Me. (Yes, get busy on that Ruminations that you at least commenced in the last quarter of 2000.)

( 3:37 / 8:03 )

I have heard you assert, several times, in talking about this “adventure” that you have had quite a marvelous, trouble-free life, and perhaps you did deserve this experience, as a “balance” to all of the “positives.” Without affirming that this is quite true I’ll just remind you that the final purpose of any earth life, as a human, is to grow and develop in spirit… and it also is true that much growth can result from experience such as this one. Yet, of course (again!) this is not “automatic.” You just have the opportunity, with possibilities for growth and also for loss… or a balance that just means you missed some of the opportunity you had… but not all.

Now the sun has “appeared to set,” and it is cold and dark outside. The forecast is for some warm-up… but, of course, it is just barely winter, by the calendar. Tomorrow the sun should “rise” again, symbolizing another chance for some positive thoughts and actions, that both encourage spiritual growth AND are evidence of such actually occurring.

You have tasks begun which should be completed. Again, you needn’t be compulsive or “driven,” for you no longer are as time-driven and constrained by “not enough hours in the day.” Enjoy this time of recovery as fully as you can. There is really no great hurry to be as active again as “you were.” Your financial situation is still bothersome, but no longer need you fear having insufficient means to live the comparatively simple life that both you and Lenore desire.

Consider that you didn’t “deserve” this small “fortune” left by your parents, but neither did you “deserve” these injuries to your feet… and the pain and inconvenience this has been for over a month. Accept the “wealth” as, finally, a gift from Me, your friendly Holy Spirit… as well as the fact that though you have healing to do (which takes time) you also came through this “experience” quite well, evidence of ( 8:30 / 10:09 ) a receptive spirit, receptive to Me and the help I can and do provide.

As the sun was shining bright you had again that marvelous experience of enjoying the development of smallest and youngest grandson, John Isaac. You shall not live to see him come to full development, but you can appreciate the progress he makes and enjoy the affection he shows toward you. He is the only son of John Patrick, and this does make him quite a special lad. Take time to feel the pleasure of this unique spirit.

Now even the fire in the fireplace burns low, and you are the only one still up. You know you don’t have to finish this Teaching, but you will, for, finally, these Words and Thoughts (even Admonitions) from Me are the most valuable that you have. Oh, Holy Scripture (the official Books) is of greater value to “the world,” but each of those came by way of particular servants of Mine, in years long past. I come to you thousands of years later, and what you hear and write are Scripture of the most useful kind.

TUES., JAN. 9, 2001, 3:28 PM

Yesterday was cold and dreary. Today the sun shines bright on this old So. Ill. Farm. The snow melts a bit, and, maybe, by tomorrow, the ground cover will be gone. The small Christmas tree on the table before you is “undecorated” (even as it never shone forth the icicles that have been characteristic of “your trees”), and the New Year… and new century… has “been here” for a few days.

Your feet still are painful (one more than the other), so your “lesson” continues. No, it is not blasphemous . . .

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