… And There Are Other Sheep…

FRI., APR. 29, 1988, 6:37 AM

… and there are other sheep, not of this fold… Yes, o son, this bit or Scripture, part of an affirmation by Me, as Jesus, is an important truth. It says, fundamentally, that I am the only God and that I am the God of all… all people, all creatures, all life, all beings. I come in myriad forms, and, ultimately, I have no form. I love, I hate, I grow angry, I feel compassion… and I am above all emotion. At the same time.

The use of the term “sheep” was appropriate when uttered, but does not hold up well for modern urban folk. Sheep are not seen as intelligent, purposeful creatures, in any way comparable to humans. They do stand as a symbol, however, of the fact that, in comparison to Me, humans and sheep are somewhat like creations of Mine. My creative powers are vast, and each creation has a place in the complex web of life. Sheep have a function. Humans have a function. And the purpose of this web is not to gratify the every desire of humans.

You are a while male, well educated, in a dominant earth culture. You are, both by family tradition and by calling, a Christian… and I have told you this is My favorite religion. It is the flock of which I am most fond. And yet there are other flocks, and what do I say to them? As I have told you, this is not a concern of yours. You are to be a relatively fervent sheep in your flock and to feel no jealousy that I have other sheep. For I have absolute capacities to give others full attention without diminishing My attention to you and other in your flock, the Christians.

I infiltrate and permeate every form of faith. I am part of movements that ignore and deny Me. I am with communists who deny Me but seek to redistribute life’s benefits more equitably and provide better services for the needy. I am with capitalists, influencing them to use their money in ways helpful to others rather than in selfish, showy ways. I am in the midst of simple faiths and of ancient, complex ones. I allow and encourage souls with well-developed spirits to be active in all faiths and movements. Why should I limit My influence? I want each and every soul to grow, and there are many ways to accomplish this. And each shall benefit from My influence.

You are a Christian, the religion based in My life as Jesus, and in My death and resurrection, a sacrifice for all humanity. The Scriptures of the Old Testament tell clearly that the Jews were and are My chosen people. Even when they turned away from and even as I punished them I remained faithful to the covenant I have made with them. I gave them the knowledge that there would be a Messiah, and then I came as a Jewish baby, to grow into a Jewish man, to be that Messiah, and they rejected Me and caused My death. And yet they are My people, even as you who accept My Christ Lordship are Mine. Then just expand this concept to all of humanity, past, present, and future.

And there are other sheep… I also have placed and allow a range of spirits here in the earth’s atmosphere… spirits without bodies. Many are helpful to human life, while others do what they can to help sustain the right balance of animals and plant life. Some are evil spirits who challenge the spirits of some humans and do some apparent damage, but I still can see the value that comes from their activities and do allow these forces.

FRI., APR. 29, 1988, 6:37 AM

… and there are other sheep, not of this fold… Yes, o son, this bit or Scripture, part of an affirmation by Me, as Jesus, is an important truth. It says, fundamentally, that I am the only God and that I am the God of all… all people, all creatures, all life, all beings. I come in myriad forms, and, ultimately, I have no form. I love, I hate, I grow angry, I feel compassion… and I am above all emotion. At the same time.

The use of the term “sheep” was . . .

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