And There Was A King…

SUN., AUG. 30, 1992, 5:40 AM

The Scriptural reference for this morning’s sermon is from a portion of the Bible that you don’t know well. It could be called, “The Kings of Israel”, which could commence with My title, “… and then there was another King, Who…” It was a time of kings, some who ruled well, some poorly. Importantly, some had a good sense of My importance, as Almighty God, while others allowed, even encouraged the worship of other “gods,” without allegiance to Me.

It was a time in which the people of Israel (yes, My chosen people) served and followed their king faithfully, or they deposed him, usually by killing him. This seems strange in this time, when democracy seems the best form of government, with a two party system that insures that the President will be both extolled and roundly criticized. Out of the whole population a particular minority, by their votes, elect the President… or reelect him. No longer are there extended reigns, and there often is disharmony among those in the different parties and between the Congress and the President.

If your present system is truly better than a succession of kings, why did I not encourage its institution in Israel, when I was so dominate? It’s basically a matter of development, with democracy possible as the concept of “the divine right (and might) of kings diminished. It is a strange and interesting thought that tries to transpose the democracy of your culture, with its attempt, at least, at equality of women and men, to the Israel of Jonah’s time. It just would not fit. Kings were needed in that time. And, of course, you read of countries today that have no government at all, or that can’t decide what kind of government to have.

Know, of course, that I am involved in all governments today, though this Presence and My desires are not as evident as they were to Josiah. My methods are diverse… and I still favor some forms and some leaders over others. There is much evil and apparent evil in governments, but no government tends to be worse. I do not favor any political system over others. A God-fearing and obeying, benevolent king can be as effective as your system, while democracy can fail in many different circumstances.

In your present culture My favorite religion, Christianity, cannot be established as the religion for all, as Josiah was able to proclaim. And yet no person could be elected President if he (or she, eventually) did not express evidence of some relationship with Me, as God. This is because I do affect the hearts and minds of many Americans, and though they would not accept a king, chosen by Me, they do want their President to “be in touch” with Me, in some way (but not too intimate). If a candidate had, and acknowledged, a relationship such as you and I have, he would not be elected, generally. So I have to work in other ways… and I do, I assure you.

SUN., AUG. 30, 1992, 5:40 AM

The Scriptural reference for this morning’s sermon is from a portion of the Bible that you don’t know well. It could be called, “The Kings of Israel”, which could commence with My title, “… and then there was another King, Who…” It was a time of kings, some who ruled well, some poorly. Importantly, some had a good sense of My importance, as Almighty God, while others allowed, even encouraged the worship of other “gods,” without allegiance to Me.

It was a time in which the people of Israel (yes . . .

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