And There’s More… For An Old Friend

SUN., MAR. 3, 1996, 6:10 AM

You have been stewing too much about what I should be saying, in response to the communication from Siddy. I may not be terse and exactly to some point, but I’ll give you plenty to send on to her, and you can deal with whatever I don’t. Don’t try to program Me. Just let Me tell you what you need to know most, at this time.

I know I’m partly responsible for one particular discontent, for some of My Old Testament “participants” did live lives several hundred years long. The discontent is with the sometimes idolatrous desire to live longer and longer, by way of complex medical care. I approve of healthy, active seniors, whose “time” certainly hasn’t yet come… and I appreciate the lives of some, extended by medical treatment, that continue, even increase, in service to Me. But too many are maintained just because it is possible, postponing their journeys over to Me, and this is unnecessary and not to be applauded.

Many in your culture, including many Christians, are close to idolatrous in their commitment to human life. Oh, I like human life, which should be obvious in all that I have allowed to be created, but it is the life of the spirit that is My ultimate concern. As Jesus I gave up My life after rather little time in the earth, not that you might all live long physical lives, but that you might have everlasting, eternal life. Earth is just one site for spiritual development. There are many others. There sometimes is true spiritual value in lives prolonged by medical care, but not enough to make Me a zealous advocate.

I teach you thus, but what about those Christians who are pro-life zealots, with views counter to what I encourage in you? I have not made you all alike, nor do I want you to be so. Even within My Christian throng I give messages that clash with one another… and also make for a balance that I like. I have “experimented” with cultures that are quite consistent, including some that are quite liberal. The spiritual results are not as pleasing to Me as when there are some honest, heart-felt differences. And none of you can be as complete a judge as I am.

Those who want Me to be absolutely consistent obviously want Me to be wholly for the perceptions and values they have. Those who like to apply “Though shalt not kill” to abortion or suicide often are strongly in favor of military hardware that kills, often indiscriminately, and of military personnel who can vanquish an enemy. I commanded “Though shalt not commit adultery” but I didn’t “give up” on King David (My favorite) when he took Bathsheba… and I also loved and favored that King Solomon, whose parents were David and Bathsheba. And I, as Jesus, came out of that “line” (though somewhat mystically, as you realize).

If I truly wanted every human to see Me and serve Me in a single, homogeneous way then, as you look at this present earth scene you’d have to say that either I’m the most inept Creator of all time or a misguided fool… or the supreme sadist Who creates most of you for destruction… or the supreme masochist, terribly troubled by “what I have done to Myself”. ( 7:01 / 7:05 ) I am none of these. As a good Father I allow the development of My human creations in a variety of ways. You don’t think of yourself as a particularly effective father, but you’re rather pleased with the men your sons have become… and are becoming. But don’t you want them to be all alike… all teachers, all Presbyterians, thinking just the way you do?

SUN., MAR. 3, 1996, 6:10 AM

You have been stewing too much about what I should be saying, in response to the communication from Siddy. I may not be terse and exactly to some point, but I’ll give you plenty to send on to her, and you can deal with whatever I don’t. Don’t try to program Me. Just let Me tell you what you need to know most, at this time.

I know I’m partly responsible for one particular discontent, for some of My Old Testament “participants” did live lives several hundred . . .

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