… And We’ll All Live Forevermore…

SUN., DEC. 20, 1992, 5:55 AM

If you have the courage to do what you plan for this morning, you’ll almost close your story to the children with “… and we’ll all live forevermore, because of Christmas Day.” Though you needn’t lengthen your story with this expansion and exegesis, you need it, just for your own understanding. And, yes, I did help you awaken in time. Then you had the motivation to actually get up and be here, so let’s get on with My Teaching for this dark morn.

This main point, however, is difficult to express, because it’s a concept that’s hard to understand with either/or thinking. It is that “things” can be and not be at the same time… that a new, novel event further guarantees what has already and always been. The “thing” is everlasting and eternal life. The event that commenced this “guarantee” was My birth as Jesus, humbly beginning in a manger. The event that clinched the guarantee was My crucifixion and resurrection and ascendance… My giving up of My earth life for all of you humans.

Life has been continuous since the beginning of creation, billions of years ago. My creation commences (and continues) with minute units of energy. These develop into atoms, molecules, and then structures. That has been one form of creation, gradual and unhurried. It also is continuous, for, as you have learned, as a scientific truth, matter (which is a form of energy) is not lost, but merely changes form. The atoms which are the basic matter of your body have been in other forms of matter, and will continue to be, after your body dies. This is My eternal conservation.

Yet there was a “moment in time” (which was actually outside of time) when I created the human, like unto what you are today, by putting into the body a part of Me, the Holy Spirit. “… and man became a living soul.” The soul is that developing spirit that continues on with life after the body dies.

Now all of this was “in place” on that first Christmas morn, as it was, years later, when I ascended into heaven, in My discernable but spiritual body, as Jesus. As Jesus I had a “meeting” with Moses and Elijah, and they were in forms recognizable by the accompanying disciples. It was an ongoing fact of life that each human body had a spirit, a part of Me, in an everlasting soul.

Still, it was a truth that needed dramatic confirmation. So I came into the earth as Jesus. I came as a baby born, as told by Matthew and Luke. I also came as Spirit, as told by John, with no birth story necessary. I was baptized with water, and this has become holy Sacrament in all forms of Christianity, even as the actual practice varies. I lived a relatively short life as a preacher, teacher, and healer. I performed some miracles. I said and did enough to be the subject of four Gospels, that most significant portion of Scripture.

I was the confirmation of eternal life. My life was the initial guarantee that you all shall continue to live, beyond apparent death. That was enough… but I went “the extra mile.” I gave My life for you all, but then I reappeared, showing the victory over death, even violent forms. And it all “began” on Christmas Day. And it “rebegins” each Christmas Day.

SUN., DEC. 20, 1992, 5:55 AM

If you have the courage to do what you plan for this morning, you’ll almost close your story to the children with “… and we’ll all live forevermore, because of Christmas Day.” Though you needn’t lengthen your story with this expansion and exegesis, you need it, just for your own understanding. And, yes, I did help you awaken in time. Then you had the motivation to actually get up and be here, so let’s get on with My Teaching for this dark morn.

This main point, however, is . . .

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