… And, Yes, Enjoy The Transition

WED., SEP. 10, 1997, 3:08 PM

You sit here in this familiar office, with your familiar desk piled with familiar papers. The day is mild, and you hear conversations on the lawn below. This is part of the transition from summer to fall… and, of course it is part of the transition from your full-time teaching career to retired, emeritus status.

Today you presented in 3 back-to-back classes, and, you have to admit, it was not a completely fun experience. You’re used to knowing names of every one and of taking the luxury of involving the class group in discussion of some sort. You served more as a lecturer today, reminiscent of your lectures in Survival… It was fun to combine some unexpected contributions with some presentations on matters vital to you… and to Me… but… The presentation in two weeks should be more rewarding, because you will know some of these graduate students.

The most difficult of the transitions… or passages… in which you are now is that from being rather well-known to being relatively unknown. It shall be a loss. It can be postponed a bit, but, finally, is inevitable. A very few folks are remembered long after they retire. You shall be no different. Oh, if you should “throw yourself” into some volunteer activities you could retain some of your “being known”. But I still like the idea of your being a semi-monk, resisting moves into more activity and creating a life of more contemplation… with Me and with some other servants of Mine who write or tape thoughts valuable to you. It still should be an active life, physically, with the natural “chores” that your Farm provides. Remember, of course, that the “semi” designation means that you shall not retreat completely, but… it will take some time to establish a desirable balance.

My imperative for you today is to enjoy the transition… and perhaps the better word here is passage. This is not something just to “live through”. It is an important chapter in your life, and I want you to enjoy it as a passage with much to experience. You will miss this office, but savor the transition from what has been yours to just another spacious office that another shall occupy. That brings forth the observation that you must get your home study in some much better order. It can’t be your “only” study when it is as messed up as it is now. Yes, you may finish this tonight.

( 3:49 / 10:12 )

(You forgot this, but you do need to finish it tonight. I’m a bit disappointed.) It is important that you continue to do the church newsletter. It is not vital that you take more responsibility, other than one of the short forums… and I’ll advise you on that. Be an active member, but let others take the leadership positions.

Years ago, well before I came to you in this direct way, I encouraged the thought in you (spirit affecting mind) that you should not be an elected leader… or chairman… of anything. You have done well with this and have enjoyed not having such responsibilities… that do not fit your personality and talents. You shouldn’t have any such offers by this time, but remember that this wasn’t just your own idea. You shall find plenty to do, as I guide you through this passage on to your next phase of “elderescence”.

Remember, also, that I have warned you that you should be preparing for the transition from earth life to… back to… spiritual life. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should clarify your insurance coverage (though this should be done), but rather that your time should be spent on matters, spiritual… increasingly. Read. Ponder. Read some more. Write a bit. Listen to what I have to say.

WED., SEP. 10, 1997, 3:08 PM

You sit here in this familiar office, with your familiar desk piled with familiar papers. The day is mild, and you hear conversations on the lawn below. This is part of the transition from summer to fall... and, of course it is part of the transition from your full-time teaching career to retired, emeritus status.

Today you presented in 3 back-to-back classes, and, you have to admit, it was not a completely fun experience. You’re used to knowing names of every one and of taking the luxury . . .

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