Andrea… The “Flake”

FRI., DEC. 19, 1997, 6:58 AM

Yes, o son, My urging to Andy finally resulted in a packet to you… a fine letter, some Teachings, some music, and a small, mystical book for Lenore. Thus you and she are back “in contact”, and you should respond to her, even this week.

You see, you are a validation to her, and she to you… a validation of My Reality and My capacity and desire to communicate… in a similar way to the two of you. And you both need such reassurance from time to time. You live in a culture that is skeptical about mystical happenings. You both claim that Holy Spirit, Who is One with the Creator and Sustainer God, speaks to you, directly and personally, allowing (even compelling) you to write what you “hear”. Thus, you have Teachings that help you become more aware of the life you’re each living… and more appreciative of its joys and its sorrows.

Each of you, then, is a “flake” in the apparently contrasting ways I expressed to her. Each human… and, actually, each form of life here in the earth… is an individual flake in this vast “blanket” of life that I have created and do sustain. Each flake has a certain span of life, so you are coming and going constantly. Yet I am aware of each of you, in ways quite beyond your ken.

Then there is the other “meaning” of this term. There’s no clear definition, but the implication is that your behavior… your very existence… is odd… not solid… not predictable. You claim to hear Me, and without the “credentials” your culture expects. I, Holy Spirit, talk to you as friend to friend. How could that be? For many people, even good Christians, recognizing such a reality would make you “too special”, so it’s simpler to just dub you a “flake”. And can you imagine the skepticism that would be rampant if I, as Jesus, should return to earth for another “go” at incarnation!?

So, you each are “flakes”, but quite different. You are male; she’s female. You are considerably older than she (you could be her father). You have had a long, steady career. She’s still on the “edges” of a true career. She has a debilitating body condition, whereas you have been blessed with a body that has functioned well, with little pain and dysfunction, for now over 3 score and 10. You are a father and grandfather; she is childless. You’re both married, but your spouse fully accepts and appreciates this “gift” while Al is not so accepting.

But then… you both have an interest in health and have been involved in higher education. This was your introduction, one to the other. Your spiritual “heritages” are quite different, but you have had a common interest in the spiritual as an important aspect of health. You are an unlikely duo, but in My spirit of fun I’ve brought you together, in a way that belies the physical distance between you, and rounds off the many differences. Is it wonderful that I can act in such flaky ways!?

You read the news of the day, and you watch some of it portrayed on the screen, and this all seems to be “the real”. And then I tell you that the true importance in any and all of these events and happenings is in spiritual growth that results… for the spiritual is the genuine “reality”. I didn’t cause Andy’s condition of physical ill-health, but I obviously have allowed it. She agreed to such a “test” before she became Andrea, and, now, with My help (and even some of yours) she’s experiencing growth of spirit, despite discomfort.

FRI., DEC. 19, 1997, 6:58 AM

Yes, o son, My urging to Andy finally resulted in a packet to you… a fine letter, some Teachings, some music, and a small, mystical book for Lenore. Thus you and she are back “in contact”, and you should respond to her, even this week.

You see, you are a validation to her, and she to you… a validation of My Reality and My capacity and desire to communicate… in a similar way to the two of you. And you both need such reassurance from time to time. You live in . . .

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