Andy… And Helen

TUES., NOV. 18, 1997, 8:40 AM

Finally you sat down and penned the long-overdue letter to Andy who does need to hear from you. In some ways her life goes well, with a place of their own with potential for the garden she envisions. She needs the struggle that her teaching task is presenting. For reasons that you’ll understand when you eventually come on over you haven’t needed such encounters… and you have unconsciously avoided some potential ones. But she is meeting herself in the situation, for several reasons, related and unrelated. Honing her humility is just one… that I mentioned in an earlier Teaching.

Quite obviously I am calling her to a closer relationship, similar to My call to you. It is earlier in her life and planned-for career, and this makes it harder for her. Also her physical syndrome that certainly affects how she feels and what actual energy she has adversely affects her attention to Me. On the other hand she has no children with needs that demand time and nurture, as you did in your years comparable to hers.

As I’ve told you I’ve guided you in most of your life (OK, let the mountainside experience be the symbolic beginning), but I didn’t call you until you were well-established in your (Our!) life work and until your parental nurturing days were nearly past. You have experienced a few physical problems, but nothing serious… certainly nothing comparable to Andy’s current struggles.

Yet I’ll also remind you… and her… that, compared with all of humankind she’s still in the “top half” in relation to being privileged in earth life (and you’re clearly in the top quartile… and even this minor quantifying is not in My Nature). Without denying the seriousness of earth life and the “problems” that seem so evident, My both/and Nature urges Me to tell you that I have called you both… in the spirit of fun. And this same spirit brings you together. Now it’s up to both of you to make it a more satisfying growth means… but also one that is fun.

There are several others that I have “sent” to be in relationship with you… and this continues. As you come even closer to Me you’ll be better at recognizing these, some familiar, others not.

Helen is one of “these”, and after a joyous, bubbly re-meeting last week you now are sharing the “mixed bag” of feelings that came from Peter’s sudden death. She and Peter shared a good portion of life together, but their initial love and comradeship diminished, and divorce seemed to be the “answer”. Their children kept them related, however, and now she must be the single parent. She is not in a “high pressure” university, and relations with colleagues seems mostly positive, but her academic career is just starting, and thus she will have many competing pressures to deal with. The children are without a father, and they shall suffer from this loss.

Could I have prevented this fatal accident? Well, in terms of power and ultimate control, of course I could have. But as I’ve told you repeatedly, I don’t micro-manage this earth… mostly I let “nature take its course”. If I am blamed for tragedies like this… and the random killings in Egypt… then I should be credited with the infinitely more preventions of injury and death that “occur” minute by minute here in the Earth.

Peter no longer has to face and deal with his earthly life problems. Helen thus has more, but also less. Your son Peter also left this earth scene in a somewhat similar quick way. He learned from his life with you but he now is growing in some different ways. And so it shall be with this older Peter. The “original Peter”, My disciple, came across with very mixed feelings about his life, but finally was more pleased than saddened by his life.

TUES., NOV. 18, 1997, 8:40 AM

Finally you sat down and penned the long-overdue letter to Andy who does need to hear from you. In some ways her life goes well, with a place of their own with potential for the garden she envisions. She needs the struggle that her teaching task is presenting. For reasons that you’ll understand when you eventually come on over you haven’t needed such encounters… and you have unconsciously avoided some potential ones. But she is meeting herself in the situation, for several reasons, related and unrelated. Honing her . . .

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