Andy’s Back!… Again

MON., OCT. 20, 1997, 11:50 PM

It was a true pleasure for you to receive and read… and re-read… the letter from Andy. It certainly gave assurance (well, in the Teaching she enclosed) that I am with her, in ways quite like those We have established for communication. Since you do experience times of apparent isolation this is a welcome reassurance that I am Who I claim to be, and I speak to Andy very much as I come to you.

One major difference between you and Andy (other than your age… you being the age of her father-in-law, now dying from recurring cancer) is that you have been privileged to have a well-functioning body for your young, middle, and even early elderly periods. She has to live with a “Syndrome” that limits her energy and capacity to function fully. In contrast you have had the joy of an almost painless bodily life, with good functioning. You feel almost proud that you can cut the grass, cut, split and stack firewood, and experience only the inconvenience of not being able to bend as you once did. I have not borne you over early disabilities and pains, but I have not had the impetus to give you more to “live with” than what comes naturally.

This is not to say that you won’t have some spiritual trials before this life as Bob Russell is over. I can cause. I can modify. I can just allow. I am testing Andy more than I’m testing you. You shall both understand and accept this as you come on over. You shall most likely come first (for she could clearly be a daughter of yours… rather than a contemporary… in age and experience) but you each shall understand how experiences for her are more “challenging” (than for you) as a means of spiritual growth.

The only honest way you can respond to her question as to what she should do now, in relation to the “women in her life”… these females who are superior to her… and know it!:

I say again… being truly humble can be an evidence of strength. Yet it is hard for Andy to be truly humble… and I am part of the cause, ‘cause I have put My hand upon her shoulder and said, “You’re Mine”. She knows this, but is also aware of how this makes life more difficult, in some ways. I gave you the privilege of hearing Me and writing what I said to you in the twilight of your career as father and in the time you were tenured and well-established. You thank Me for this and appreciate these Teachings, even as you realize some of the non-acceptance that can be bestowed upon you.

Though I say I won’t be unfair, in either way, to you as an active retiree, I have tendencies to support, most obviously, servants, in human form, who serve Me as humans, in all strata of society. I tell you that your “times of Teaching” are not over yet, and so continue to “be around”.

Follow through with your plan to have a student group out here to the Farm for discussion of selected Teachings. You know you are not spiritually isolated from the present student group, but you must actively sustain this, so that students who won’t have you as a classroom teacher can still participate in this unique spiritual experience.

MON., OCT. 20, 1997, 11:50 PM

It was a true pleasure for you to receive and read… and re-read… the letter from Andy. It certainly gave assurance (well, in the Teaching she enclosed) that I am with her, in ways quite like those We have established for communication. Since you do experience times of apparent isolation this is a welcome reassurance that I am Who I claim to be, and I speak to Andy very much as I come to you.

One major difference between you and Andy (other than your age… you being the age . . .

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