Andy’s Back!

FRI., AUG. 30, 1996, 3:25 PM

You postponed your letter of encouragement to Andy, but she’s back, on her own! She had to molder around for some months… and that was “bad” (or “worseness”)… but out of that came the perception that is more vital than that of spiritual transcendence. This is what I want for her, as I want for you.

I led you back to the Ruminations on Non-Attachment and on Both/And. Send these on to her, even if she has remembered that what We (you and I) talked about in these relate pretty well to that with which I’ve challenged her spirit. From your culture’s perspective spiritual wellness is desirable, even an ideal state. From My perspective the condition of spirit that transcends both the wonderful and the terrible experiences of life is the ideal. And this doesn’t mean appreciating the wonderful is wrong, nor is feeling bad about the terrible.

I want your spirit to transcend such judgments, to be non-attached to judgments, letting each situation be appreciated for its contribution to spiritual growth. You are far enough “along” on your spiritual path, and in this earth life, to be able to do this, even in this culture which favors judgments of either/or.

As you consider the “problems” that are being identified by candidates for public office this year you often perceive identification of the undesirable behavior… cigarette smoking by the young, illicit drug use, welfare payments without working, lack of medical insurance, and… but not a clear sense of what eliminating the problem would produce. The cigarette industry provides jobs for many people, directly and indirectly, as does the medical care system. Would somewhat longer lives for those who would have become smokers, but didn’t, compensate for the turmoil and hardship that would come with the loss of these jobs and the means for life they provide? Ah, Me.

You shall try to have these young teens in the pre-confirmation class think and talk about what I, as God, should be doing about these local, national, and world problems. What would I have you say? That all of us should see beyond the “problems” and grow in spirit as we relate to others in our life paths and to Me, the Spirit that is Supreme. But what, then, about jobs for “problem solvers”?

Back to Andy. You noticed, as she did, that I identified Myself as Quetzalcoatl as I spoke to her. This represents two aspects of My Nature – I can be identified in many ways, and this was one that related to some of her present interests, AND I like to have fun, and this was just a good example of fun. I allow most humans to have relatively free will. But Andy is one whom I have sought and called. I can give her some “time away”, but I want her back hearing Me… and in closer contact with you. I want you to encourage each other. Your paths are not identical, but they are close, and it is not good for those whom I call to feel “alone”.

The process of your retiring from this life work of ours is now clearly begun. Your colleagues and the Dean now know, and decisions will be made about replacing you. With spiritual transcendence you can enjoy (with some moments of displeasure) this final year, and, at the same time, plan for the life of retirement, which should be an even more spiritual experience (with its moments of displeasure). Never fear. I’ll guide you.

FRI., AUG. 30, 1996, 3:25 PM

You postponed your letter of encouragement to Andy, but she’s back, on her own! She had to molder around for some months… and that was “bad” (or “worseness”)… but out of that came the perception that is more vital than that of spiritual transcendence. This is what I want for her, as I want for you.

I led you back to the Ruminations on Non-Attachment and on Both/And. Send these on to her, even if she has remembered that what We (you and I) talked about in these . . .

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