Angels And Kindness

WED., MAR. 22, 1995, 8:45 AM

Slowly, slowly you are moving ahead with the Ruminations for this quarter. You have plenty of My Teachings, for you shall have much to say about this theme, personally. It is a wonderment as to what happened to those first three Teachings on angels, but I’m sure you’ll find them somewhere, in some folder. Why this title, then, if you already have enough? Well, you know I usually have just a bit more to say as your actual writing and selecting approaches. So I couple the angel theme, today, with kindness, the Fruit of the Spirit that was your focus around the breakfast table just last hour.

Angels are a very kind group of spirits. Some are selected because their spirits are fundamentally and naturally kind. Others, with less of this “gift” become more kind as they associate with that blessed group. Much of what angels do with and for humans are acts of kindness, because what they do is often unexpected and even unmerited. There is no way a human can “repay” an angel for a kindness, which further qualifies angelic acts as… kindness.

Angels, however, tend to be very perceptive spirits. Thus, they are aware of appreciation for what they have done, even of and when most humans don’t realize the angelic assistance. The few of you who do become aware of a guardian angel often develop quite a personal relationship with this spirit, and become increasingly conscious of and thankful for what this angel friend does for you.

You were appreciative of Kit’s letter to you, and the kindness that represented. I was glad you shared that final Thank you with the group this morning, a very present and relevant example of a kindness to you, in remembrance of a kindness to them, from you. Now you must be sure and respond to him quickly, with “news” of the coincidence this time. Were angels involved in any way? It’s quite possible, now, isn’t it?!

And, speaking of coincidences, Helen’s gift to you, this week, was an outright kindness and so appropriate to the angelic focus of Our Ruminations. This is a time when I am “loosing” more angels to be “helping out” on the earth. It could be said, as Dorothy almost did, that the earth needs such help just now, and particularly in your culture, but I would reply that the earth has never been without such needs, and this time is no worse than many others. I’m just urging angels, and mau of them, to be more helpful now.

Your feeling about Helen’s “suggestion” that you have been an angel to her was appropriately mixed. You know you are not an angel, and you’re not aware that you have spiritual help beyond Me, but it was a marvelous compliment, that made you feel both proud and humble. Continue to be helpful to her, and to others who will come along to take her place. You’re quite aware of kindnesses you should be doing… and aren’t. You need a better balance between duties and kindnesses. So say I.

More important, in My perspective, than angels actually doing kindnesses for humans is their efforts to urge those they relate to, to be more kind… and gentle and generous… than they have been and tend to be. Angels don’t need recognition. They can be fully satisfied with just seeing positive results. They truly don’t need to be acknowledged.

WED., MAR. 22, 1995, 8:45 AM

Slowly, slowly you are moving ahead with the Ruminations for this quarter. You have plenty of My Teachings, for you shall have much to say about this theme, personally. It is a wonderment as to what happened to those first three Teachings on angels, but I’m sure you’ll find them somewhere, in some folder. Why this title, then, if you already have enough? Well, you know I usually have just a bit more to say as your actual writing and selecting approaches. So I couple the angel theme . . .

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