Angels And Life

SUN., JAN. 29, 1995, 6:31 AM

The Christmas season is well past, and this is, by tradition, the season of angels. Angels are a part of My creation… not more important than humans, but, in My view, not less important. Your culture affirms angels, without conviction, in the Christmas season, but gives them little affirmation during the rest of the year. Oh, at the time of Easter angels get credit for rolling the stone (a large one!) away from the mouth of the grave cave so that I could “be about My Father’s business,” as the risen Christ. But this isn’t a striking part of the story.

When you don’t affirm angels they just don’t get credit for what they do. “Chance” and “circumstances” are more often seen as the “cause” of good fortune or escape from injury. Quite often angels are responsible.

But what about circumstances in which good people, who should be “watched over” are hurt or killed… or people who are sick and die rather than return to health? First, every human doesn’t have a guardian angel, or more. I won’t give you the reason for this, but merely say that this is not an automatic “perk” for everyone coming into earth life. Also, as I’ve told you before, all angels are dedicated to Me and are supremely faithful, but are not all equally competent. What you observe in human competence… the range… is also true in the angel population.

The other major reason why everyone is not protected fully by angel is that this earth plane is designed to be one of mixing opportunities and hazards. Every human cannot be carried through every situation of risk. If there were no injuries or illnesses there would be less need for compassion and human service to those in need. Such experiences are means to spiritual growth, and they should not all be prevented or aborted. Angels are told… and the most competent just know… when to intervene and when to let consequences prevail.

Also be reminded that while saving and prolonging every human life may seem “just what I would do,” death is a part of the life cycle, and it is quite as important as birth. Some people are destined for short lives. Others are born into circumstances where long life is unlikely. Angels are aware of the balance that is necessary, and they rarely save people who should not be saved. ( 7:06 AM / 9:00 PM )

The “work” that angels do is often seen as miraculous. It cannot be explained in earthly, physical, rational terms so it seems miraculous. But if you are not bound by natural consequences, many angelic actions, though supernatural are not truly miracles. Angels just manipulate earth circumstances… sometimes just a bit… and the consequences seem like a genuine “rescue.” But if you accept the reality and presence of angels then what seem like miracles are just “what angels do.”

SUN., JAN. 29, 1995, 6:31 AM

The Christmas season is well past, and this is, by tradition, the season of angels. Angels are a part of My creation… not more important than humans, but, in My view, not less important. Your culture affirms angels, without conviction, in the Christmas season, but gives them little affirmation during the rest of the year. Oh, at the time of Easter angels get credit for rolling the stone (a large one!) away from the mouth of the grave cave so that I could “be about My Father’s business,” as the . . .

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