Angels… And Me

FRI., JULY 29, 1994, 12:12 AM

Here you are again, in mild pain and discomfort that prevents sleep. So, in your tossing and turning did I bring you to his familiar place at this unusual time? You are quite willing to admit to such an influence. You have no excuse this week, and for the next three, to avoid this time with Me. Know that I am fully aware of all that is happening to you, and I do want your time and attention. So here We are.

The piece you read about Me in the weekly paper was unexpected but pretty accurate. I have no body, but I certainly have a personality and all of the non-measurable aspects of a person. I am My own Person… and then I can assert that I am One with the Father and also with the Son, Jesus. I am fully Myself and fully One with Them. I speak on My own, and I reinforce and interpret the Scriptures. I am both ancient and orthodox…and modern and radical. No human can define Me, asserting what I will and will not say. I speak truth to you… and even Truth… but you can never aver that this is all I will say… or that to another I might give a conflicting message. I can be true to Scripture, but I am never bound by it.

It may be that you shall get to organize and lead a Sunday morning adult forum, focusing on angels. You would rather lead a class, as in days of yore, focusing on these Teachings, but this, instead, can be an interesting challenge. For angels, of course, are a special creation of Ours, the Godhead. Angels were a form of spirit life way before humans were imbued with spirit, and angels will be “alive” and active should all human life come to an end. (This could happen, and it would be “side effect” of what would appear to be legitimate modern action. But I have rescued My highest creatures before, and I could do it again, certainly.)

You saw a film yesterday that portrayed angels as helping a poorly playing baseball team come from last place to win their league pennant. Angelic action was uniquely portrayed, as part of a story that also was about two unwanted little boys and a gruff, tough manager of a team called the Angels. It was accurate in that it portrayed angels as helping these ball-playing humans to be better people, using their talents to produce winning results. It also was truth that their actual winning could not be a miracle, but, rather, a result of their own best efforts.

Angels are an active part of this earth scene, even as most humans don’t so believe and are not aware of their actions. I have told you repeatedly that this earth is a realm for special spiritual growth, so angel action must be limited. Angels know this, of course. Angels, by nature, are obedient and know the purposes of earth life very well. Each has powers she can use only occasionally and seldom with “full force.” And then I can say that earth life, for many people would be much more difficult and less rewarding than without angels.

FRI., JULY 29, 1994, 12:12 AM

Here you are again, in mild pain and discomfort that prevents sleep. So, in your tossing and turning did I bring you to his familiar place at this unusual time? You are quite willing to admit to such an influence. You have no excuse this week, and for the next three, to avoid this time with Me. Know that I am fully aware of all that is happening to you, and I do want your time and attention. So here We are.

The piece you read about Me in the weekly . . .

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