Angels And Other Beings

SUN., DEC. 9, 1984, 6:15 AM

‘Tis the season for angels, and so it is appropriate to have another Teaching that shall tell of the reality and the activities of these “other beings” here in the earth. It still has not been your fortune to experience any of these beings directly, but you must know of them through this vicarious means, nevertheless. Hear and write, o son.

Angels are souls without bodies who have highly developed spirits and a supreme desire to serve Me and to help in the lives of humans in the earth. Actually, some angels can manifest themselves in spiritual bodies and be seen by those with high spiritual discernment… or by some who, for an occasion, need to see what they ordinarily could not (as the shepherds). Sometimes angels need to be seen; mostly this is not necessary.

The big portion of your countrymen, including many Christians, would not affirm comfortably that you share this earth not only with persons of many shades, sizes, customs, and languages, but also with many other beings who have functions, actions, and reactions as part of the earth scene. In biological life there are great mammals and small, there are humans from large to small, there are insects that are quite visible and some almost invisible, and there are microorganisms, some so small they have yet to be discovered… some of which help and some compete against human health and life.

In the spiritual realm there also is great variety, from huge, powerful angels to small, pesky demons. Why do I allow, even encourage these spirit forms that can make life more difficult for humans? Just as mosquitoes and rhinoviruses are part of the biological ecosystem, so these are part of the spiritual ecosystem. They have a right to life, just as humans do, even though I am not as interested in individual beings of these other sorts. That wasp on the window, slowed by the cold, shall not survive as an individual till the next warm season, but, have no doubt, there shall be wasps galore next summer. They normally don’t oppose you, and you needn’t oppose them. Just inhabit the earth with them.

Angels have a certain likeness to your domestic animals. They either love you and serve you in their friendliness or they provide for you in some tangible ways (eggs, milk, meat). Some just do general good, while some are “assigned” to individual humans and take responsibility for general or specific protection, throughout life or in specific circumstances. Yes, I’ll say again… there would be much more of what you humans would call tragedy were it not for angels and their concerns and capacities to protect from harm.

SUN., DEC. 9, 1984, 6:15 AM

‘Tis the season for angels, and so it is appropriate to have another Teaching that shall tell of the reality and the activities of these “other beings” here in the earth. It still has not been your fortune to experience any of these beings directly, but you must know of them through this vicarious means, nevertheless. Hear and write, o son.

Angels are souls without bodies who have highly developed spirits and a supreme desire to serve Me and to help in the lives of humans in the earth. Actually, some . . .

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