Angels… And The Church

TUES., AUG. 30, 1994, 6:28 AM

Three stimuli have been yours to experience in some way this week. I shall comment on two of these this morning, leaving the third, your ambivalence over money, for another full Teaching. I shall combine angels and the church in a creative way, to assist your thinking about each.

Yesterday you rediscovered the videotape on angels, which certainly could be the basis for some discussion in your Sunday forum… except that the focus is on what it means to be a Presbyterian in this church, with several in the group wanting this emphasis. So, the best you could do, as the year progresses, probably before the Christmas season, is to consider whether Presbyterians have some “position” on angels. As is obvious, you sing quite boldly about angels being present at My birth, as Jesus. You accept the story that an angel warned Joseph of Herod’s plan to kill all Jewish boy babies and hied us off to Egypt.

But that was then, and this is now. Presbyterians are not very mystical. You are “loyal” in reading and accepting Scriptural accounts of mystical happenings, but are not very open to these happening now, in this church and in this place. Yet it may be that there are a few “closet” Presbys who have had experiences with angels, actually or vicariously. For you, this experience with Me, the Holy Spirit, repeatedly, is a precursor to one with angels. You haven’t had such, but I encourage you to be receptive to such, “when the time is right.”

Angels are well-developed spirits who can function in any and every plane of being. Angels are devoted to Me, with high motivations to help others. In the earth they guide and protect, causing some interactions and preventing others. Yet they are quite aware of My fundamental premise, as Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of this earth plane, that the natural “workings” of earth life should be respected… and “tampered with” only occasionally. Thus, while they sometimes protect against harm they may just as well help to accept some tragic happening… or may guide a person on to a good, peaceful death.

And there can be angels “assigned” to a church. One such “assignment” would come in a situation of turmoil and upheaval, with members against members. For example, there were angels present and helping in your Church’s last General Assembly, helping to bring reconciliation… or at least to show that the big majority wanted the church to love and forgive rather than condemn and split.

Do angels die? Well, outside of the earth there is no time, so there is no basis for considering how old any angel is. There is no death as you know it on earth. But there is spiritual growth… or regression. Thus an angel who has completed a particular assignment well may progress on to some other state of being, or even back into Me. And there are some who could almost be called “career angels,” who may do their jobs exceedingly well, and choose to stay with these for “a long time”… lifetimes, in earth terms. So, yes there are some very experienced and capable angels, yet they have a mystical sense of what they should and shouldn’t do.

TUES., AUG. 30, 1994, 6:28 AM

Three stimuli have been yours to experience in some way this week. I shall comment on two of these this morning, leaving the third, your ambivalence over money, for another full Teaching. I shall combine angels and the church in a creative way, to assist your thinking about each.

Yesterday you rediscovered the videotape on angels, which certainly could be the basis for some discussion in your Sunday forum… except that the focus is on what it means to be a Presbyterian in this church, with several in the group wanting . . .

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