Angels, Yet Again

SUN., DEC. 18, 1994, 5:58 AM

Your forum, this morning, if there is one, will focus on angels, for, yes, o son, this is the “angel season” in your Christian tradition. Angels are very special beings in the whole of creation, and it is another evidence of this “wave” of spiritual renewal that there is increased acceptance of angels as real and relevant now in the earth, and not just part of a Christmas fantasy. “True then, but not now”… this is a view that’s still evident, but fading.

Some angels, such as Gabriel, are message bringers. They let people know of events and circumstances that will occur, helping them prepare. The Scriptural story tells of Gabriel coming to Zacharias, the priest, with a message that his old wife will bear him a son, which will be called John. Now Gabriel is an angel with especial powers (and he still functions today, outside of time and the deterioration of earth life), so when Zacharias didn’t believe and readily accept his prophecy, the angel struck him speechless… until his son’s birth and his non-verbal insistence that his name be John.

Gabriel brought the message to Mary that I, the Holy Spirit, would “come upon her,” and she would become the mother of a baby who would be “God with us” – Emmanuel… or Jesus. Though I am not named… and I speak here as Gabriel… for I was especially with him in these circumstances, I also came to Joseph and assured him that it was right for him to marry Mary… and then to save the child by fleeing to Egypt, later returning to Nazareth. This was a very unusual message, in its three parts, and Joseph was not a particularly religious man, in the mystical sense. So I needed Gabriel, the most capable of angels, for this task.

Several hundred years later, in earth time, Gabriel had another big job… delivering what you now call the Koran to Mohammed. In My love of diversity I saw that My favorite Christian religion would reach very few of the Arabs, the spiritual ancestors of Ishmael, the “other son” of Abraham, and of Persians, who had dominated the Jews on many occasions. So I sent Gabriel to give this spiritual book to a simple but capable and faithful servant, Mohammed. That this way of seeing and acknowledging Me as the One True God, called Allah, now flourishes is evidence of Gabriel’s capacities.

But what about “dark angels”? The story of Lucifer and the rebellion against Me and My Way is a myth, but it is symbolically true that I allow beings who do harm to humans to be a small part of the earth scene. I do not call these angels, and the harm they do is often exaggerated. Though there is some “loss,” overall they are another, though odd, means of spiritual growth for some individuals.

Angels do have powers that can include saving and prolonging lives, but they use these very infrequently, following My premise. There are a few spectacular “rescues”, but more often the angelic role is to warn and to counsel the affected human, even helping them through the dying process. Remember that the dying process is also a birth process, and angels often serve as “midwives” in that birth back into the spiritual realms. (You must always read that paper on midwifing death to your classes… and was the writer really an angel?)

I often must smile at the pretentiousness of some scientists in their claims about the restricted nature of reality. That which can be measured in some tangible way is a small portion of even earth reality, for, despite its obvious physical manifestations, the earth is, basically, just another, but unique, spiritual realm. (How’s that for a single sentence!?) Life is spirit, essentially. All of this physical nature, both in body and in tangible environment is part of the special challenge of earth life. But I “fudged” a bit, introducing angels as another, different, form of reality. They don’t dominate. They just help. They seldom use supernatural powers… even to revealing themselves in some bodily form, usually very short term.

To the question, “Can some who have been embodied humans become angels after bodily death?” My answer is Yes… sometimes. Spiritual life continues, with growth toward the maturity to return, willingly, to Me, as the only ultimate goal. Becoming an angel is one excellent way for some to make better use of their earth life experience, in truly serving and helping others. It is a real privilege to be an angel.

7:01 AM